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January 1999

The Identitaeter

Do they put to value on anonymity? Do you keep its identity on-line as secret as possible? Then you consider in addition, that their is opposite just as anonymous. Many users forget that only too gladly...

The net is full interesting humans with almost most unbelievable life stories. Heavy of them Jeffrey A. Williams, Mitgruender and CEO is that approximately 4,8 billion information network engineering Group US dollar -- INEG, Inc..

Williams is attained a doctorate lawyer (SMU Law School), mathematician and computer scientist (University OF Texas RK Dallas) as well as computer engineer. Its vocational career however began relatively untypisch -- as a jet pilot with the United States navy Corps. During its office hours it flew among other things combat missions over Viet Nam, in the context of the operation Desert Storm and also -- on behalf of the Drug Enforcement administration -- to Chile.

In the middle of 1992 left Williams the USMC in the rank of a Colonels and dedicated themselves from now on to its legal career. Since however in the early 80's and since that time the constantly growing INEG already created required more and more attention, he vacated the judge chair after well seven years finally, around itself in the future only more its true passion in addition-gives.

When network engineer and COBRA developer were Williams in the following years for example involved in the RH Design of AOLs network infrastructure, developed the SAB he bookkeeping system as well as NASDAQs stock exchange data base used by international airlines. For net-far attention INEG with SATAN plus, an advancement of the disputed Security " Administrator's Tool for Analyzing network, " and with the first successful decoding of a 40-Bit-Schluessels provided.

That was the starting signal for in gs commitment in the InterNet: While its enterprise is considerably into the development by core technologies of the net involved, Jeff Williams is concerned in the last years primarily with questions of the privatisation of the Internets as well as the reorganization of the Domain name system and other technical like also political aspects.

" An old net
Proverb means:
On the InterNet, nobody
knows you're A dog. "

Williams has only one problem: Nobody -- there is the advisors of the US government or the participants of the different mailing lists, on which these topics are discussed -- listens to him. Because nearly everything knows: Jeffrey A. Williams is a Imposter; a patient hochstapler, its identity wrongly, whose Biographie is invented and its achievements and products Hirngespinste. USMC and Law School do not know him, in Texas gab's a judge of its name and in the entire USA are registered never no still so small company under the name INEG, Inc.. Telephone numbers and addresses, which it calls occasionally, prove regularly as rented answering sets and mail boxes.

Briefly: Jeffrey A. Williams does not exist.

The art figure Jeff Williams " on-line lives on " completely steadfastly nevertheless, sends daily dozens of enamel to all possible lists, makes each halfway interesting discussion destroyed and places ever err-funnier statements into the virtual area.

Although all admits is, er/sie/es with the putrid number can land still: Recently about no smaller one than binding developers discussed and DN-spies Paul Vixie with " Jeff Williams " over a new in EEC product of names BINDS pluses. And in a ring-back signal on in October the deceased Jon Postel (see Outlook 12/98 ) let the daily paper Los Angeles Times come calculated " in EEC boss Jeff " Williams to word -- as a friend allegedly of many years Postels.

It tunes stop nevertheless: " On the InterNet, nobody knows you're A dog. " And some people are simply much too leichtglaeubig...

Matthias Fichtner

off: InterNet professional 1/99, of Ziff-Davis publishing house GmbH
This contribution is in copyright matters protected. All rights reserve. Reproduction only with written permission of the author and the publishing house.

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