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Toronto Robin

AKA ... Jeff Williams

Yes Virginia, it's like this: in all probability there's this fellow that doesn't actually exist. Well not in the normal sense of the word anyways. I mean there's a more than extensive resume of sorts, masses of e-mail issuing forth under a name and, if you're fool enough or rich enough one can even call the creature. Now in Texas of all places. But try as even the massed illuminati of the Internet might, they can't quite define a person behind all that. No identifiable existance, no picture, no sense. See it's something that doesn't quite exist in the normal sense of the word.

Into the broken glass. An hour's worth of long distance telephone talk to Kansas City, Kansas, from Toronto, Ontario, smack dab in the middle of a regular business day some time in 1996, adds up to about thirty-five Canadian dollars in charges. Which was when and for how long I called. Called Jeff Williams. And talked. Talked with Jeff Williams.

During that hour long talk I thought a lot of ground was being covered. Jeff's company, the multi-billion US dollar, privately held INEG Corporation, was prepared to consider backing my WTV.NET project. With up to two million dollars should our goals coincide with INEG's in terms of New Domain Names and coverage of these discussions. Since my position then was very publically and clearly in opposition to various things Jeff also opposed this was a shoe in. We were heading for the elusive "FUNDING" every junior capitalist wannabe dreams of! One little thing though....

Mr. Jeff "INEG" Williams, in this hour, slipped a few times. Certain logical inconsistancies revealed themselves which set little alarms going off in my cranium. The slow sinking feeling that maybe, just maybe, I was being somehow bamboozled ricocheted in that same gourd. That 'I'm being bamboozled!' feeling infiltrated at last a consciousness not quite prepared for what it's ears were hearing. A train of subtle misleadings and lies wrapping up one's imagination in possibilities while every other organ in one's being shouts: "No! It's not true! Stop!"

Oh. I forgot to mention the very first odd thing that happened in that memorable call. An elderly voice answered the phone. And when I asked for Jeff Williams he sighed a mighty sigh. And called out what in retrospect was a 'Here it goes again' voice of exasperation "Jeffery! Telephone". Then a breathless Jeff Williams answers. First in a sort of embarrassed/apologetic tone. Then settling into the sort of muggy, chestnut sort of high tech familiarity sort of talk one might expect of eccentric billionaires. Spiced with the White House this and Bill (Gates/Clinton) or Steve (Jobs) that. About knowing everyone at the top and moving behind the scenes to effect all sorts of change and lobbying all over the globe.

Then came talk about the WTV Non-Disclosure Agreement. Which was necessary before I sent the full WTV business proposal. I mean I was and still am, occasisionally, stupid. But not that stupid. I suggested that I fax down a copy and Jeff could UPS overnight the signed document back. Jeff told me he didn't have a fax machine and/or that it was broken. Hmmmm. Then I suggested he print out a version I then e-mailed the fellow along with some mildly revealing preliminary documents. Good idea. However. Jeff said he didn't have a FedEx outlet nearby and would I accept normal, postal return mail. Hmmmm. Again. Okay. It would take time. But okay. I wasn't in no hurry. Duh.

Needless to say, nothing arrived. In the weeks ahead I would periodically inquire with Jeff as to what had happened to the letter. Whether he had decided to FedEx it or snail mail it. Not yet. Excuses, excuses. Big secret meeting after big top secret meeting. Jeff-jetting all over the world. Problems with the Williams virtual office. Yada, yada and so on and so forth. Like hooey.

My rather differantly quixotic life at the time was moving rather quickly in rather differant, more visceral ways. From one pitch the WTV plan meeting and height, to another and the depths. Excitment, disappointment, crisis, wild hopes, bogus dreams, fantastic team, betrayals and even the occaisional solid friendship formed amidst all the crazy cyber tumult. And, in a perverse sort of developing game, I would occaisionally drop the odd e-mail to old Jeffer. Out of the same wierd sense of curiousity and humour that motivates this article I guess.

Jeff would quickly reply in the same sort of assuring, evasive tone. Until I started saying that from this point on I could not discuss anything unless Jeff sent me a certified check or direct deposited a sum in my account. US$200, US$600, US$1,000, etc - I kept increasing the amount with each exchange! For talks to continue with "INEG" money, this time, would have to talk. And, if not, the Jeff bullshit would have to walk. With all the other bullshitters I was pitching WTV to at the time. All the big shot stock broker assholes, Investment "consultant" sleaze machines, business creeps and assorted other sub-species of the invertebrates and ungulates that lurk around the scum bottum and everywhere else, it appears, on the new IPO e-commerce Internet.

Then Jeff started threatening me with disclosure of what we have been discussing. Reporting my e-mail as illegal solicitation of funds(!). At that point I think I told the good fellow to kindly fock off, that he was a phoney and a fake and a liar and that he should seek counselling if this all wasn't some huge scam. To which the lad would reply that I should do my homework. That he wouldn't do my homework for me. And I would search out the nothing that was there. And then sometimes Jeff would reply hopefully/arrogantly, as if I were some temporarily misbehaving cheda and he were the all patient master. And I would say, again, if he ponyed up some money I would believe him. That a few grand to a billionaire was equivalent to a few bucks to a poor shmuck. And the threats would commence. But no dough, no go. It was that simple.

On the dog no-one knows you're a net. Let's fast forward to current calender year 1999. In the ensuing Jeff Williams amassed quite a few other conquests. Suckers like me who had sucumbed to his particularly appealing line of el supremo, grade A pure, unadulterated, all-American whacko bullshit. Including the US Government, both the staid and dorky LA Times and Chris Oates ace reporter of the allegedly hyper-connected WiReD on-line magazine (Hahaha!). Who all published straight INEG stories, Mr. Oakes/WiReD doing this on blessed March 5th of this millenial year 1999! So Chris "WiReD Jounralist of the Year - NOT" Oakes joins countless other internet personages, personalities, hipsters and hypsters in the Gulible Department. So in me being fooled I am in some good company, chums. Very good company.

Jeff, by now has quite a few mild but never-the-less real cyber staulkers pursuing the truth of his falsehoods. Of which I may, temporarily, be classified as one I guess. Except for the explainations and face saving I'll offer later on. The others offer: A FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) document about himself written by Darrell Greenwood. Also Alex Kamantauskas' documenting of all the various claims Jeff has made. To which he can probably add a few from this article! And your basic anti-Jeff WWW site maintained by William X. Walsh and dedicated to debunking the Jeffster in his tracks. Also an excellent non-staulker article written by Matthias Fichtner (in German) at:

Go to AltaVista's Babel Fish site, enter the URL above in the appropriate Babel-box and presto, a freaky, gramatically wierd translation of the article. BTW... select the "German to English" option.

Finally, in an ultimate revelation of the illusory world and self of Jeff Williams is the notoriously and fabulously humourous "Texas Stadium Conferance" announcement. Followed by a completely bogus detailed report from Jeff and a thorough rebuttal by Ellen Rony among others. These rebukes included full and complete sources at the venue proving no such event was planned or ever occured. Heck you can call them yourselves and prove the thing never happened. Despite equally detailed assertions to the contrary by Jeff Williams the Texas Stadium Conferance was an empirically absolute and total non-event. It did not occur. It never happened. It was a bold and complete falsehood, bad arse, out and out lie.

There it is. The fraud that is Jeff Williams has been revealed in 3-D IMAX thunder sound technicolor and whole cloth. At least to anyone that does the least bit of investigation. Which, evidently, does not include the members of the fifth estate press anymore (hoo-hoo to Mr. Oakes'!!!). The Spanish Inquisitors I've listed above, as well as other jokesters and other more or less violent characters, have descended upon poor Jeff en masse. Attempting to right the percieved wrongs, tell the truth, set nature in it's perceived balance and generally be good, fine upstanding net cop netizens. You get the picture. As in vigilante kangaroos courts of "M" justice (M being the classic German Expressionist film starring an amazing Peter Lorie. Look it up or read the book). It has become quite a sad spectacle really.

Now on to the explainations. There are clearly two for the "Jeff Williams" phenomenon which require immediate debunking. And a third which requires refined debunking. In order:

1. Jeff is some person, probably a teenager, playing a long, intricate and amazing practical joke on the pompous, self-agrandizing and nasty bastards of the pompous, bogoid, ultimately uncool "Internet Community".

No. No way. The voice I heard was certainly no teenager and definately no jokester. It was entirely devoid of humour in fact. The ultimate dead pan, straight-man. The Abbot minus Costello (or is it the Costello minus Abbot... I forget. Anyways the really unhumourous guy minus the really funny one). And the whole thing is way, way too elaborate and long winded. The tone of writing and dedication to the task is vastly more serious than any prankster could maintain. Ever. If it's a joke it's the world's best kept secret joke five years later and counting. You can fool a funster into a gag for only so long. It's been way too long to be a joke. And way too tedious and non-humourous. As in unfunny and unfun.

2. Jeff is a classical agent provocateur. Paid or somehow supported to disrupt any and all opposition to American spearheaded plans for dominance of the "Namespace", IP addressing system, RFC regulation process and Internet as cash cow in general. He's a person who, by mere association, all opponants to US hegemony are smeared into one category with quite automatically. A raving lunatic planted to not only disrupts every forum but also to conveniently discredit all other dissenters, participants and on-lookers. A possible scenario but highly unlikely given my experience with the beastie. Though the odd way new kooky voices seem to pop up to "repsond" to Jeff leads some credance to this wayout idea.

Unfortunately it's also too way out. Agents act in ways that do not lead to complete immolation of all concerned. And, even if WIlliams is just a tool, they generally appoint operatives that are, to a degree, under control. Which Jeff is incapable of. He is truly e-mail incontinent. Unable to stop, hundreds of mad articles spill out with no rhythm, without reason or goal. The ultimate loose cannon, making me look like an amateur, taking out friend, foe, innocent bystander, pirate, hero, villain, fellow shmuck or genius alike. Without even a joke or some subtle psychic or artistic point behind it all. Minus any purpose so it seems except self-promotion and promotion of his myriad INEG empire. Jeff answers to no-one. Except the shareholders of INEG ammassed there in his fertile, ferbile, fecund and fullminating mental imagination.

Now to my inevitable, pap psychology inspired conclusion explaination. That I will then quickly abandon in a flurry of smart rationalizations and a flourish rant.

3. Jeff is insane. A mere post-modern constructionist assmbelage of lies and other peoples lives. Gleaned from the various bibles of the brave new on-line world of e-commerce, digital business, Internet culture and cyber-personalities. Pieces pieced together to hide or obscure or heal some terrible event either interior and forever lost or exterior and known only to the destroyed fellow's long suffering family. A complete delusional, completely functional. But only within the delusion, inside the barrier, behind the endlessly alluring, all-encompassing fibbs, white lies, outright bullshit and unending speiling. Oh what a wicked web we weave... and so on.

Now that last, most probable explaination is where I have to chime in and say hold on. Who the rigger frigger rigger are you to judge anyone else. Jeff is unable to exist without the lie. In fact the lie is his life. Yes he's sick. Not in the pitiable sort of "shut in" sense of the word. He's a hardened sort of insane person. No matter what, despite everything said or done, he'll persist in the lie. A lifelong lie. Where nothing exists anymore except for the lie. You can prove it to be a lie all you like. Yes, go ahead, lambast the bastard, imprison or torture the unfortunate if that is your bent. And some would like to deal with these sorry folks like that, let me assure you. It wouldn't matter. To the end he's Jeff Williams, Billionaire CEO of INEG, etcetera, etcetera. So who the fuck are you, anyways? Aren't you as much living in some sort of delusion? Perhaps not to the same degree but we all have basic beliefs that may well be questionable. And that is that, which...

brings us back to "foe a deer, a demale feer". Jeff Williams exists. He is everything he says he is. Whether on an international mailing list or pushing a shopping cart from soup kitchen to soup kitchen in K.C. or L.A. or where-ever. Nothing will *ever* change that. Oh, I'd cut Jeff off of all of his ravings on all of those mailing lists. In a second. He may already be springing back with a myriad of other make-believe personalities ("Dr Eberhard W Lisse", "Sam Hayes Merritt, III", "Frank Rizzo", etc.) in preparation. But I doubt it. The primary construct "Jeff Williams" would simply shuffle on to other opportunities. Move on to other places out there people are flattered by the the idea of eccentric billionaires who take interest in them. And then enjoy the perverse prospect of picking the wings off of them like human flies once they discover the truth. Once ejected, the fellow would shuffle on to yet another venue and so on and so on and so on. He will remain...

Jeffrey A. Williams
CEO/DIR. Internet Network Eng/SR. Java/CORBA Development Eng.
Information Network Eng. Group. INEG. INC.
Contact Number:  972-447-1894
Address: 5 East Kirkwood Blvd. Grapevine Texas 75208

Because that's the nature of life and the galaxy. Full of strangeness and oddities. Packed with things that are all not what they appear to be. Thank the stars for people like Mr. Williams. Thank the stars and mother nature! For confirming all of our abilities to evidently discern between reality and illusion, betwixt the mad world of twisted madness and the stable, contented world of reasoned events, the logical progress of history and all the calm, beautiful world happenings of our times. Thank all the Jeff Williams of the world, indeed, as we once thanked all the town idiots and "natural" fools of times past for proving how sane, orderly, pleasantly moderate and smart all of our lives are in comparision. As in the negative.

We are all such smug bastards, sons and daughters of bitches and mean, empty hearted fuckers, aren't we? I leave Jeff and all this shite alone henceforth and forever more. He is who and what he is as you are who and what you are. Apparently. As in let he who is perfect and without lies or exagerations cast the first brickbat, eh Felix? We are all fools to varying degrees, from time to time and more or less. Both in the natural and artificial sense. That there is one who is ultimate, penultimate and incontrevertable, of either variety, should niether be surprising nor upsetting. It is the nature of existance. The way of a fucked up and permanently distorted world around us one and all, bent from start to the finish, probably because the universe has, at it's centre, a sense of humour. And but for the grace of Gaia, there go you. Not me. But you. Not I. Thee. As in thou. You, stupid! And me. Go figure. Long live ...

Jeff Williams !!

Toronto Robin