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WeLcOmE to m@tt's cRiB

Welcome to my Celebrity Crib!  Click around the room to check out the different links.

[ Bulleton ] [ Contact Me ] [ ePDA ] [ Fish Tank ] [ Guestbook ] [ My Journal ] [ Pix ] [ The Tube ]

* Features *
This week I've been helping Billi work on her web site on, so I thought I would make my own little mini site there too.
Check it out: m@tt'z MiNi WeB-SiTe.

Bulleton Board
The bulleton board ties any new content on the Web Site to one Centeralized Location.

Daily Ramblings:
4/12/02: Hey, whutz up? Well I've been working on my
mini-page this week, which I'll probably be keeping more updated, if u want to check that out. I'll still try to keep this updated weekly though! Using a new guestbook now, Don't forget to sign it!
~thanx =)

To Do:
Study for Finals =(
Write Journal Entries

Life Priorities:
Get my CIS Degree
Get good job
Move outta my parent's house!
Be happy =)
M@tt Web (Home Front)

From the Fish Tank
Kewl Linx (4/11/02):
The Insanity Test: You must have speakers for this one!
Online Gamez (4/12/02):
Slime: A great time killing java game.
Questionairez (4/12/02):
What Would You Do?: Life Priorities based on Japanese Archetypes.
Picture Personality Test: Try this picture gallery personality test based on color & form to see what makes you tick.

From My ePDA
  • Bio
  • About Me
  • Friends
  • Quotes

    Contact Me
    Click here to Instant Message me!mattsp314 (AIM)
    E-mail me at

    Sign my Guestbook!

  • This Web Site is Copyright © 2002 Matthew Sprague. All Rights Reserved.