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Hamsters through history

Hamsters accompanying man can be found back as far as there is any written history.  We know for a fact that the Egyptians did have hairless hamsters while in what today is Iran, there were very hairy pet hamsters, know today as Persians.

The hamster is really not a domesticated animal, rather a domesticatable beast which means that it is really a wild species that is able to adapt to a life with human beings. 

One reckons that the origin of the domestic hamster is found in the African wild hamster which inhabits today the savannahs of Central and Northern Africa.

This animal is extremely elusive and impossible to domesticate. However, its cousins in the rest of the world seem to have adapted to a life along with humans.

Either way, this animal seems to be very adapt to survival in a close relationship with us.

Some hamsters are born with dysfunctions created by man in his pursuit of creating new races.  These dysfunctions might be loss of hearing, lack of hair and teeth as well poor eye sight.

They are both hunters as well as scavengers and the saying of them having seven lives.

Hamsters are ferocious breeders and will rapidly reproduce into large quantities.  This is very different from the wild rodents of today which have a lot fewer offspring and higher infant mortality rate.


The hamster is a good hunter for seeds and will survive anywhere.

Hamsters as pets
