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Union Infantry

The American Civil War has inspired every major manufacturer to produce some of their best sets.  Airfix made the first set, but it was toylike, and unusable for a serious modeler.  Esci, Revell, Imex, and Italeri have all issued follow-up sets, and they are all keepers.  Since the uniforms worn by North and South are nearly identical, a modeler can paint over 100 poses for each side!


Colorbearers are in high supply in Civil War sets, but in only one - Revell's - is the standard of the appropriate size.  Out comes the hobby knife!  All of the three above are conversions using paper flags from warflag.  The left figure was a colorbearer (with undersized flag) from Esci's Union Infantry.  The middle was an Italeri rebel fixing his bayonet.  The right figure, painted as a sharpshooter, was an Imex Union infantryman standing at parade rest.


Officers are plentiful in the sets, as the above scans indicate.  Musicians are also in ample supply.  Top row from left are a painting conversion from Imex's Alamo Defenders set, Italeri Union Infantry, Revell Union Infantry, Imex Union Infantry, Revell Confederate Infantry.  Second row from left are Imex Union Infantry,   Esci Union Infantry, Esci Union Infantry again,  a painting conversion from Esci Confederate Infantry and an Italeri Union Infantryman.

Riflemen are the core of each set, and the poses in the Civil War packs are good ones.  The first two in the top row are from Revell Confederate Infantry and the third is from Revell Union Infantry.  Second row, Italeri Confederate Infantry (completing the greatcoat theme), Imex Union Infantry, and Italeri Union Infantry.  Third row are all Esci Union Infantry.

Last updated 08 August, 2002
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