During our stay, we visited the reknowned House of the Seven Gables, which had inviting gardens and seven peaks! (duh!) The house inspired the book written by Nathaniel Hawthorne, whose house we also visited. Of course, after you take the tour of these homes, it is apparent that you are supposed to stick your tour stickers on this neiborhood garbage can...who knows.
We toured the sea port area and local park square to get a better understanding of the area.
Later we headed over to the old witch graveyard where we saw many old headstones; (it was actually quite creepy. We stopped in at the Witch Dungeon House, where we saw the decrepid conditions that the accused "witches" had to endure while awaiting their trials. We even got to see trials using exact speeches taken from the transcripts of the actual trials while they were in court. Other reinactments included "Cry Innocent" where the audience gets to be the jury in order to decide if the accused witch should hang or not. Models were used to depict actual events of the hangings in 1692.
Of course, Jay being Jay, we also traveled to 6, yes SIX local haunted attractions - one being "Terror on the Wharf"