My Picture Gallery - 2 Yrs+
My Picture Gallery - 2 Yrs+
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Mommy and Me at X-mas Party 12/04
On the wagon 12/04
Awww! 12/04
Bed and Bear 12/04
X-mas Eve 12/24/04
X-mas Day 12/25/04
Driving at the Children's Museum 12/04
Children's Museum 12/04
New Year Baby 1/05
Lincoln Park Zoo 12/04
Happy 2nd Birthday! 1/05
Birthday Cupcakes 1/05
Birthday 1/05
Easel 1/05
Outside - Chicago Winter 1/05
Angel 1/05
Dressing up for Winter! 2/05
Looking cool at the Ranch. 2/05
Baking! 2/05
Easter Weekend - 3/26
Easter Weekend - 3/26
At the Playground - 3/26
With my friends Eva and Josi - 3/26
With my Bear - 3/05
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Mommy and Me at X-mas Party 12/04
I'm making a gingerbread house with mom.