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RCC - College of Technology

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RCC (Radio College of Technology). Second home whether i like it or not    : P

Learned a lot, met a lotta ppl, T.O.'s been fun, but yeah... can't wait to be done....

The infamous Duffman video.

Zzzzzzz.... The one day a week Joey Joe Joe shows up for class...
Brian, Mike and Chris (L2R).

Techno project?

Schroedinger's Cat.
(affectionately refered to as Schroedinger's Midget).

Hear no evil, See no evil, Speak no evil.
I swear I have no idea where this came from. Mike hard at work in lab.

damn midget...

Mary and me before she left for the Phillipines

...pretty much half the girls at RCC... *sigh* :(
pity us...

dah well, got my Becca! Love you baby! (see front page!)

Flip Power!
urm? *blink*

Jeff like antenna... *shrug*

I got ten bucks on Chinsen....

yay lab class :P

The midget strikes again!

Must... Kill... Bevan!
I want to eat your babies. Lab.

Evil Mike.

Meh, it happens after 12 months at RCC. *shrug*

A friday afternoon, free from the shackles of RCC for a weekend.

Bevan decides to celebrate by, urm, demonstrating his affection to Glen's Van.

I want to bear your children!
Hey-oo Tina's last night out with us before she moved out west.

Joe, Tina herself, me, Mary and Mike (L2R)

after 15+ months... RCC in a nutshell..... *sigh*
Mwahaha... Reg senses Death creeping up....
Dorian gettin trapped ouside tryin to have a smoke on the first snow day...

that's what u get buddy... :Þ

don't think it's cold out here?? feel these nipples!
gimme it back... ok Sebok, gimme my camera back...

don't do what i did to my hair!!!!

where's ur hallpass?

Car Full of Midgets!!

Schroedinger's Midget... car full of..... and Jay & SIlent Bob... *eyebrow*