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Hello, and welcome to my site.  You might remember me from such forums as and  Or you might have stumbled upon it from doing a search, since I'm now proud to say I'm featured on

This site was created in the Fall of 2002, that's right its TWO years old.  In those few years it, like my self, has been through many changes, both good and bad.

I, myself am a 19 yr old, college student who is currently studying at TCC SE campus. My major is pre-pharmacy.  (In Texas the only degree for Pharmacy is a Doctorate, so that's where the PHD part of my screen name comes from) I'm also an adult leader for Boy Scout Troop 217, incase your asking yes I'm an eagle scout.

For the latest rants and happenings, check out my weblog on  Other than that, check out the site, sign something (hopefully I got it working), and enjoy.