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Nicole and Allison the Phi-Sig.

The AGD's at the annual Mr. and Miss GU competition, which raised $3000 dollars for their philanthropy.

Seriously folks, when will this ever happen again?

Do YOU have a potato in your shoe?

Chavez stops back from Eastern PA!

Brian prepares to shun another opponent in Beer Pong.

Elaina and I yelling lyrics to umm... Britney Spears.

Aaron Karo, author of a hilarious college book.

The girls getting down and dirty.

Karo signing the brother wall.

Kevin's not afraid of the 80's!

"This looks like pee... no wait... I have to pee..."

Karen and Richie play some beer pong.

Tom gets a nice laugh out of the game.

Tony lays down the beat as TaJohn looks like he's gonna puke.

Even Metal in St. Patty's day glasses.

Vern parties with us on St. Pattie's day!

Vern, Kristen, Chantel, and Matt.

J. tries to hide behind his metal, but it just doesn't work.

Kevin, Heidi, and Kristen at some random party.

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Spring Formal - ZBTahiti - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19

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