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On March 23rd, the brothers of Zeta Beta Tau engaged in a mixer with the sisters of Sigma Sigma Sigma.

House, our resident bartneder, and behind him, Buddy.

That crazy mofo Ed, with Skippy and our President, Brandon.

The Sigmas pose for a nice shot. (no pun intended)

Brandon, Nikki, and Brian in the bar room.

In one triumphant motion, Mike surveys the mixer.

Kevin and Nikki doing their rave stuff, minus glowsticks.

Colin showing off his superb dance moves. Do you need a bonin?

Mike gets the solid gold bonin from Colin while Tony laughs.

Tom returns, victorious.

Kevin, Melissa, and I pause on the dance floor.

John gets jiggy with a sister!

My, what a long tongue you have, Melissa.

How could you not be having a good time at the Zebe house?

Whcih one of us looks the funniest?

Ok we really don't know whose car this is, but yeah..... There are figurines on the roof and remote controls on the bumper.

Kevin and I in the kitchen. I really don't know who took this picture.

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Spring Formal - ZBTahiti - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19

20 - 21 - 22 - 23