Intro (0,77 MB)
Pennyroyal Tea (3,67 MB)
Where Did You Sleep Last Night (2,96 MB)
- Club Lingerie show has been finally surfaced
- Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love duet
- September 8, 1993
- Club Lingerie (Rock Against Rape Benefit)
- Hollywood, CA
You Know Youre Right (4,58 MB) - last song recorded by Nirvana
You Know Youre Right (18.3 MB) - last song recorded by Nirvana
You Know Youre Right (stream file) - last song recorded by Nirvana
Sappy (4,33 MB) - No Alternative compilation
Smells Like Teen Spirit (329 KB) - OK Hotel show (1st performance)
Youve Got No Right (6.53 MB) - Aragon Ballroom show
Lithium (548 KB) - Music video
About A Girl (708 KB) - Live Tonight Sold Out
Come As You Are (862 KB) - Live Tonight Sold Out
Backstage (874 KB) - Live Tonight Sold Out
Scoff (429 KB) - Linz show
Some talking (345 KB) - Linz show
More talking (656 KB) - Linz show
Big Cheese (541 KB) - Leeds show
Big Cheese 2 (538 KB) - Leeds show
Blew (724 KB) - Leeds show
Blew 2 (489 KB) - Leeds show
Smells Like Teen Spirit (496 KB) - OK Hotel show (1st performance)
Lithium (746 KB) - MTV Video Music Awards 1992
MTV Live and Loud (326 KB) - some footage
MTV Live and Loud (117 KB) - more footage
Backstage (733 KB) - various backstage footage
Backstage 2 (712 KB) - more various backstage footage
Nirvana ad (stream file) - for the "Best Of"
Kurt Cobain interview (stream file) - from the New Music show
Kurt Cobain's death (stream file) - from the New Music show
Some bands talking about Nirvana (stream file) - from the New Music show
Tribute to Kurt (477 KB) - 20 seconds preview
Tribute to Kurt (2,00 MB) - download the entire file
more files to be uploaded, and dont forget to vote for me by clicking here