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Name: Ryan
Age: 22
What do you do? Drums, Lead Vocals on "Cindy Lou", and Back-Ups
Major Drum Influences: Animal, Keith Moon, Dave Lombardo, Russel Quan, Marky Ramone and Karen Singletary
Favorite Bands: Ramones, Motorhead, Supercharger, Devil Dogs, New Bomb Turks, Teengenerate, Real Kids, Bobbyteens, Rip Offs, Eyeliners, Queers, Screeching Weasel and the Fevers.
Current side projects: The Eggrollers, The Vains, The Springfields/Suburban Debutaunts, Igor & The Humps
What other bands have you been in or performed with? Abduction, Po-Dunx, Bee Eaters, Patow!, Tarantula Blasters, C.O.D., Runarounds, The Johnnys, The Springfields, Suburban Debutaunts, Anti-Squad, Gor-Tow!, The Bi-Teens, Drama Queens, The Eggrollers, The Vains, The Red Hots, and Sarah On Her Little Red Bicycle
Anything special that everybody should know? "Not Really"