Name: Mark Patton Sr.
Relation: Father, best friend
Yes indeed, this is the man from who's
sperm brought me to creation. And
without a shadow of a doubt the single
greatest person this Earth has ever
witnessed. This picture was taken Thanksgiving 2001.
It was also the last picture ever taken
of the two of us together. I can only
hope that wherever he is, he is looking down at me with a smile, proud of what I've accomplished in this lifetime so far. |
Name: Laurie Whittle
Relation: Mother
This here is the mother. She is the
one responsible for using what my
father gave her, and pooping me
out into existence. It takes balls to
give birth, and well lets just say my
mom has brass balls! This picture was from July of 2002, the day before I left to Central California
for what would be the last time I would get to see my father. Her hair is still short like this picture, but it's a better color. I keep telling her that short hair just isn't for her, but I'm just a kid to her, what do I know? But anyways, yes, this is her...the one, the only.

Name: Heather
Relation: Neighbor,
best friend.
And here we have the infamous
neighbor. I seem to be here more than
I'm actually at my own house, or so some
would actually say. But this is from her
Senior Prom, in May of 2003, with her
boyfriend Delon. He's good people too.
Better than the devil-monkey-boy, ((inside joke)). They've known each
other for over three years now, and both graduated this spring, and will be attending my college
this Fall, where we will all go and get stupified all the more, since it's street
smarts that is the REAL key to life. But hey, we'll keep that one a secret as we try to make the best of Fall 2003 at RCC. The
second picture is also from her prom, along with other members of
our 'group' Candice ((in black)), Kristen ((the 50's lookin getup)),
and Lenea ((far right)) |
Name: Kulaid
Relation: Brother
best friend
He's gonna hate this. Since he
hates this picture with a passion
but this right here is Kulaid. I
caught him a bit off guard with
this picture, which is why it looks
so badly. I've known this guy since
my first week at Richland HS in
Orange County, Sophomore year.
That makes it about four years.
And in those four years, there has
not been a time when he wasn't there for me when I needed it. He kept me in check when I was ready to go off the edge, and next to Brandy, he's been the closest person to me that wasn't my father,
I've got nothing but the utmost respect and appreciation for this guy. He's a good guy, and has got a hell of a lot of talent, just needs to maximize it. He's going to be the best man at my wedding, whenever that happens. I owe a great deal of my life to this guy, for saving me from myself. And I just hope that I get the chance to show him before our time runs out on this Earth. |