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"You know my name, You know my face
You'd know my heart, If you knew my place

Welcome to [ Figure : 08 ], I am your master of ceremonies, Markus Katastrophik, and I welcome you to my sick sad world, slightly skewed in perspective, but never prejudicial. This site has been sort of inert for quite some time, but is back up and running, with updates regularly. Construction was grueling and time-consuming, well I'm sure it was for the person who created the layout I so greedily take advantage of. A million thank you's to Sultryna for her amazing help, work, and effort put into making this the juggernaut I could only hope it becomes. 

This site will be dedicated to the life and times of Mark Patton Jr. And everyone and thing that has/had/is involved in it, in some way, shape, or form. On the following pages ((the links to which you will see to your left)) you will be introduced to friends, family, loves, passions, products, and more. All of which have something to do with my life somehow. Below the text box, will be a brief summary as to the contents of each page. So press forward, and enjoy your stay.


On your path through this site, you will find these pages, and the information involved about the pages themselves. Here to make your trip much simpler is a quick synopsis of the contents of each page:

HyBrId : The page dedicated to delving deep into the psyche of your master of ceremonies, and resident nuisance, Markus Katastrophik himself, Mark Patton Jr.

GaLlErY : Simply put, far more of Mark than you'll EVER want to see.

MiStReSs : Ladies, Ladies, and more ladies. The oh so wonderful ladies. 

FaMiLia : When worst comes to worst, my peoples come first.

MuSiK : A little slice of life for my musik tastes... always changing.

WoRdS : Vox written over the course of the past year, courtesy of yours truly.

LiNkS : A page dedicated to linking you straight up to the important things in life, what I like!

CoNtAcT : AIM/Yahoo s/n's, email, and the Official [ Figure : 08 ] Mailing List! JOIN NOW!!!

PrOjEkTs : This page will be updated from time to time with various random works of mine.


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