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This page has been dedicated to any of the assorted projects I've either made, or anything that is still currently under construction. This has been broken down into two columns. The left column is dedicated to the role plays I create. The most you will get here are wrestling role plays written that I still have on record. On the other column you'll see other variety of work I've done, including the first story I've ever written. A short story ((48 pages)) I wrote in the summer of 2002 titled Drain. I currently have on hold the second part to it, and will update it when I get further along on it. For now though, I hope you enjoy and accept the works I have created.

Role Plays: ((Newest to Oldest))

1. Destiny -072903-
2. Forward -072103-  
3. Showdown -071103-
4. Armageddon -063003-
5. Destiny -062003-
6. Chapters -061803-
7. Welcome -061103-
8. Projekt Supreme Tournament -060403-
9. Supremacy -052303-
10. New Nightmare -052003-
11. Change -112102-
12. Unite -111102-
13. New Day -110702-
14. Countdown -110302-
15. Borderline -103102-
16. Nightmares  -103002-

Other works:

1. Drain - Summer 2002