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Live and still Alive in Iraq

Welcome to all my friends and family, as you can see I have a new page that is up. I will try to update it every two weeks or so. I am at a camp called Tinderbox, go figure. This is the dictionary definition; tin•der•box (tndr-bks)- A potentially explosive place or situation; a dangerous state of affairs; a situation that is a potential source of violence. Well that pretty much some it up. Things here are crazy with generally are with out power 8-10 hours during any 24 hour period. My clinic is bares bones, everyone here has diarrhea and I have no medication to treat them with. I have about 8000 tabs of Benadryl and about 2000 tabs of Septra (bring on those UTIs); I have no other allergy meds, no Promethazine (for nausea and vomiting), I have a whopping two tabs of Zithromax, a lot good that will do me, I have some adenosine, which is for a rapid heart rhythm and no monitor to diagnose it with. I have a bunch of roller gauze and some 2x2s to bandage with, no 4x4s or trauma pads. I had about 30 5-0 nylon suture and 3 disposable suture trays, I use half of the suture and 2 of the suture trays the other day after a bunch of our Iraq security force didn't head the warning of, "Fire in the hole, Fire in the hole!", I spent about 5 hours doing nothing but suturing these dumb booger eaters up. They all have influenza or at least they think the do; it is the only English word I think ALL of them know! Here are some pictures and I will post others very soon so you can see what this place is like. Take care and know that I love you all.

5 Star Hotel

This is the 5 star hotel in Kuwait that I stayed at. We got a deal on multi-occupancy. The old Muslim couple in the room next to us made a lot of noise for a few nights and the lights never would turn off, so we ended up getting the room for FREE!!

Shrapnel Wound

This is the first guy that came to me after being a little to close the detonation. If you look real close you will see the quarter size hole just behind his right ear, it went to the skull. Little did I know there where about 5 more 2 minutes behind him!

Anyone want to help, please email me!