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How Do You Think About My Site? :  Bloody Marvalous
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How Many Times Did U Visit This Site? : Infinite
Comment :   really useful and clever stuff. There was a problem downloading the photoreading book though.
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How Do You Think About My Site? :  its dark thts why
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How Many Times Did U Visit This Site? : 96
Comment :   i would request u to hack the book psyscho cybernetics
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How Do You Think About My Site? :  verygood
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How Many Times Did U Visit This Site? : 2
Comment :   Uuh Jeah so much useful info my brains ar gonna xplode : photoreading is supergreat.. merry xmas from snowy finland


How Do You Think About My Site? :  your website rocks
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How Many Times Did U Visit This Site? : 3-5 times a day
Comment :   Hi i am looking at the telepathy page and yeah well some of the basic stuff i cant get like psiballing and stuff i cant get a visual or feel any energy flowing through me i cant get it at all can i ask what you have accomplished with telepathy i mean can


How Do You Think About My Site? :  Excellent and refreshing
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How Many Times Did U Visit This Site? :   Several times
Comment :   Different tactices are employed by agencies. Ex. USPS Inspection Service has used variants when wartching employees suing the agency (like me, and a former employer of mine MPD Wsh. DC. Not so good in their body language


How Do You Think About My Site? :  Cool
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Comment :   Sup all, pretty coo site =). check out my new hacker forums. Theeres sum pretty neat stuff on darkcorner =)


How Do You Think About My Site? : yOUr Site Rocks!!!
Your Website :    cOming sOOn
Comment :    i really enjoyed ur site alot, spent tons of hours reading crazy interesting stuff u have.. Keep it up, man..


How Do You Think About My Site? :  Totaly cool site
Your Website :  Do not have one
Comment :   the side is very good it has alot of information. I will recomandet to other. see you later


How Do You Think About My Site? :  Excellent
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Comment :   Really great site it should be awarded it has very intresting info keep it up!


How Do You Think About My Site? : ur site is the shit man!!
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Comment :  i dunno - i booked marked an keep coming back -AWESOME informative...learned alot....


How Do You Think About My Site? : Brilliantly compiled; excellent layout; fascinating content
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Comment :  Im writing a novel and this was a wonderful source for research - thanks a million for all your help! Keep up the good work


How Do You Think About My Site? :  Your Site is phukn awsome...
Your Website :   none yet...
Comment :Thankyou for suppling info on the covered up issues... This website is great... -= Xs PhaT =-


How Do You Think About My Site? :   cool
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Comment : I really enjoyed your site. Hopefully you’ll find my sites useful for any of your Mortgage needs: Mortgage Refinancing, Home Loan Refinancing, Cash Out Refinancing, Home Mortgage Refinancing, House Refinancing, Morgage, Home Refinancing, Mortgage Refina


How Do You Think About My Site? :   Its simply great
Your Website :  none sorry!!!
Comment :   thx alot Mr.Mohammed 4this great site,im intersted in all the fields u got that im lost i dont know where 2 begin,i add the site 2 my favorites and will start exploring day by day. Nermeen Nasef


How Do You Think About My Site? :   I think that it is great except for all of the dark stuff that is into witchcraft. I love it.
Your Website
Comment :    I really need more people on my site and your site looks really good. Could you maybe advertixe my site on your site for a little while. if you can, thanks


How Do You Think About My Site? :   great web site
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Comment :   gret web site once more. best regards, vujadin petronic


How Do You Think About My Site? :    It it absolutely fascinating, it is really interesting!
Your Website :none
Comment :   This is a really good site, the information is so good that I could read it all day without getting bored...WOW! One of the best sites I have visited in a Long Time!


How Do You Think About My Site? :  Really cool
Your Website :Dont have one
Comment :   This is the coolest, darkest site ever! Ive learnt so much. I really am gonna use everything I learnt to aid in my daily life! Thanks!


How Do You Think About My Site? :  cant be made better!!
Your Website : :( dont have.
Comment :     i knew about ur site from teenstuff & if it hadnt been for dees good words id not have thought of visiting it. well done mohamed!


How Do You Think About My Site? :  Superb
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Comment :   One of the best websites on the internet.


How Do You Think About My Site? :  Great Site ya Mohammed i Loved it :)
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Comment :   Heys Mohammed, its me Mostafa a7*o seiko i add ur website to tk account & made ur site name short it is Hope u like it man :)


How Do You Think About My Site? :  wealth of information
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Comment :   Thank you, Ill be back!


How Do You Think About My Site? :   cool site
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Comment :   
How Do You Think About My Site? :   i LOVE your sit ....i have been looking for something like this to help with plan(#^**&)dont ask
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Comment :   i really like your sit and will link u
How Do You Think About My Site? :   good
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Comment :   Thanks for this site, please add more detailes for spying tools (producer,models,...) and define new tools, i found useful topics for lockpicking please suggest some books and kits to start
How Do You Think About My Site? :   it rocks!!
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Comment :   cool site...i just have one suggestion for the self defence section...could you maybe add some pictures to show us how the moves are actually carried out...take care...cheers
How Do You Think About My Site? :   the sire is very cool
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Comment :   hi, i liked your web site even i whant to make a site like that my e-mail id is
How Do You Think About My Site? :   really cool
Your Website :   don't have one
Comment :   I think your web site is really informative. Alot of good people smoke weed and yet they can not pass a test because of it. Well, I am definetly passing this and the web site on- Laura
How Do You Think About My Site? :   
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Comment :   Great site!Very Interesting articles!!!Keep on the good work!!!
How Do You Think About My Site? :   *sic*
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Comment :   kewl site please add some more stuph on lock-picking
How Do You Think About My Site? :   Really Nice Web Site, I Liked It :)
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Comment :   Perfect Site Really Well Done Ya Mohamed :)
How Do You Think About My Site? :   Its Badass
Your Website :   N/A
Comment :   Hi I just have to say your website is fuckin awesome. I could spend hours reading about cool shit i actually wanna know about. Thanks Josh
How Do You Think About My Site? :  Very interesting
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Comment :   I arrived to your site just surfing about telepathy, and it seems superb, i will bookmark it.

  Quote"" Its always easy to think about love, to talk about love, to wish about love...but its not always easy to recognize love even if we already hold it on our hands..""

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The site design is made by Mohammed S. Anwar. All the compiled informations & links are personal effort and 
gathered from different resources on the internet and from books, it is not my own creativity, but i just compiled 
what I thought that it is interesting ,in my own writing style . All the copyrights are reserved to the original authors. 
You are free to copy ,print, distribute any part of the site , in case you don't take any money or change any parts of it.