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Thanks Alaa, Your an Awesome Friend


1. What is the name of the dragon Harry had to fight in book 4?

2.What's the potion Crouch used to escape Azkaban?

3. What is Harry's dad's nickname and what animal did he transform to?

4. Which Weasley boy has an earing?

5. How many galleons do you get if you win the Triwizard Tournament?

6. In the 5th book what does DA stand for?

7. What's the name of Fluer Delacours sister?

8. How do you put Fluffy to sleep?

9. In the fifth book what year were Fred and George in?

10. How do the first years get from the train to Hogwarts?

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In the beggining of the series he just wanted to get out of the dursley house and thought anything was better than living w/ them. He later realized there were things far worse than the Dursleys. An answer to his past. In the fifth book you notice he's very angry w/ everything thats happening in his life. He starts showing more emotion but not in a positive way. Still...he's always there to save the day.


Through all the series she's always been the brightest. None the less she changed. She doesnt obey the rules as much as she used to. she's not so sassy w/ everyone like she used to be. As each book comes along you can see her maturing into a more fun and positive role model.


As Ron gets older, you see more of his character. In Harry's point of view Rons got it good; nice house and a loving family (something harry longs for). But Ron sees himself as the youngest boy and wanting to be more like harry; winning cups, being famous being more popular.

My Take

I like the book b/c it's an original. J.K. Rowling uses words to describe things that make you see everything in your head w/ out seeing the movie. Its like your actually there. She takes you insides the characters deepest thoughts into a new level of reading. The book never gets boring. As you finish each chapter it's like a cliff hanger and you have to read on! She knows what teengers think about so she slides in her book and this is what make her books succesful.

The more harry potter books you read, the more you get to know the character. In the first book you get to know alot about Harry's home life and why he is the way he is. It just introduces you to everything else that's going to happen. The second book isn't so much about Harry as it is about Voldemort and another secret that lies in Hogwarts. It's more about Voldemorts child hood.

The third book gives you more detail about Harry's family life, why his parents died and a new addition to harrys family. The forth book not only tests harrys skills as a wizard but his emotional skills too. the trophy he worked so hard to get was just bait to lure him into a trap that he just barely escapes. In the fifth book you see more of harry's anger. He's enraged that his friends have been keeping a secret from him all along and to make things worse sirius died. He learns everything he needs to know abot why his parents died why Voldemorts after him.


By Alaa Abdalrazig 7/16/2005