Tap Continues to Roll

Club Tap Sets Franchise Record for Wins in Front of Sellout Crowd

Box Score


            Clüb Tap was ready for its rematch against the struggling Fit N Feather squad Friday night.  Riding a franchise-high two game winning streak, Tap brought its A-game to West Milwaukee Field again, playing near flawless defense and peppering the Feather defense with constant line drives.


The Tappers took an early 2-1 lead on RBI singles from Sex Clown Hanley and Don Wadewitz in the bottom of the first inning. Locked in a defensive battle for the first half of the game, the Tappers exploded for five runs in the bottom of fourth.  After singles from Old Hoss Brubaker, $perm Palace McLeod, and an RBI single from Matt $chmidt, Erik Kent drew a walk to load the bases for E Voight, who laced a ball into left field for another run.  The demoralizing blow came on the next play, when Jeremy Schmidt drove a ball to deep right field.  The right fielder caught the ball flat footed, and Erik Kent decided to try to score from second.  Despite a good throw from the Feather second baseman, Kent slid and kicked the ball away from the catcher, scoring his second run of the game and putting Tap ahead 7-2. Referring to Kent, who had made a marvelous backward-turning catch and throw in the prior inning, a disgruntled Feather shortstop said, “God, I hate that guy.”


            Tap dealt another demoralizing blow in the fifth inning when Old Hoss Brubaker, who was returning from a year-long suspension, drilled a ball over the left fielder’s head.  Brubaker forcefully rounded the bases and seemed to be out of gas as he rounded third base with the ball already on its way towards the infield.  Brubaker then took the defense by surprise by sliding towards the plate roughly halfway between third and home.  Coming up a couple feet short of home, he crawled under the catcher’s tag to put Tap ahead 9-3. 


            From there, Don Wadewitz continued to spin a gem on the mound.  Wadewitz pounded the strikezone all game, walking just one and inducing numerous soft ground balls.  With two outs in the top of the seventh, Fit N Feather looked to be rallying when Sex Clown Hanley made a fantastic running over-the-shoulder catch to end the game.


            With the win, Clüb Tap moved its season mark to 5-5.  This is the latest in a season that the franchise has been at .500.  The fifth victory set a new franchise record for wins in a season.  The win was Tap’s third straight; another franchise record, as was the astounding 21-member crowd that came to cheer on the upbeat Tappers.  Much of the crowd and 14-member Tap squad enjoyed the night at their favorite tavern.  Then, THIS HAPPENED.


Clüb Tap takes on Joey’s Mobscene at 6:00 next Friday in a battle for third place and a chance to finish the year at or above .500.