Tap starts out swinging, ends up kissing sister Joey’s Mob Scene for 11-11 tie

Blunders cost Tap chance to guarantee .500 season record



            Club Tap enjoyed early offensive success against the formidable Mob Scene, but eventually the baserunning and defensive miscues that the Tappers were able to avoid in recent weeks opened the door for their foe to tie the score late in the game.  JMS showed its offensive potential in the first inning, where the first five batters reached safely and put up three runs on Tap ace Don Wadewitz.  However, as Tap fans have grown accustomed to, this squad of fighters, gamers, and hard workers battled back to put up three runs of their own in the first inning, ignited by Jeremy $’$ well placed double down the line.  However, the damage was neutralized some by one of the many basepath outs as third baseman Maney escaped one large turn past second base, but couldn’t excape a second trying to round for home in a controversial play (the merits of which were discussed at length during and after the game).

            Tap was off the hizzle in the second.  Joey’s went quietly 1-2-3 in the second, and the bottom of Tap’s lineup brought out the big sticks, setting the table for a five run inning.  During the next two innings, JMS put two more runs on the board.  However, shortly thereafter, Tap began to show the effects of the stupid pills they had been consuming all evening.  When asked for comment on his decision to feed his team stupid pills, manager Jim Hanley said, “What, what are you taking stupid pills?”.  However, the team’s infatuation with stupid pills would not be denied, and the mental miscues cost Tap a victory.

            Where to begin . . . well, Marshall’s baserunning has already been documented.  We had a runner thrown out tagging from third, another failing to tag second, an out that should have been recorded when a runner rounded first, a baserunner that fell when rounding first, scores of infield overthrows that gave Mob Scene extra chances, misjudged balls in the outfield that gave Mob Scene extra bases, players that refused to remove jewelry despite repeated requests, and the worst score-keeping job mine eyes have ever witnessed. 

            Mob Scene stormed back for two more runs in the sixth inning, but Tap, champing at the bit, scored three more runs in the bottom half to provide what the team thought was an insurmountable four-run lead heading into the final regular inning.  However, the stupid pills reared their ugly heads again.  JMS scored four runs on copious Tap defensive miscues, tying the game and putting the ball squarely in Tap’s court, a ball on which Tap completely whiffed.  Unable to put runs up in the bottom of the seventh, the game came down to one decisive inning.  Tap held Joey’s scoreless in the top of the inning, but was unable to convert a man on second into the winning run.  Mostly because said runner was thrown out in a 7-4 double play to end the game. 

            Afterwards, E-K-E was vocal in his praise of the opposition, and his disagreement with fellow Tapper Marshall over the controversial baserunning in the first.  Despite the sorrow in the clubhouse, Tappers Don “My body is a wonderland” Wadewitz and LIFM worked to improve clubhouse chemistry by racing at the park after the game.  Carlson won convincingly, segueing into a rousing evening at the CT afterward.