Club Tap Flexes Its Muscle

Team’s Collective Muscle Approximately Equal to Network’s,

as Tap Splits Double-Header with Second-Placed Team

Box Score (Game 1)

Box Score (Game 2)


A tired but confident Club Tap team took the field twice Friday night riding a franchise long two-game winning streak.  Though it faced the intimidating second-placed Network, Club Tap had an ace up its sleeve in the form of Mike “Orange Crush” Barse.


The boys of Tap got the night started as they always try to, by drawing a walk.  After the leadoff walk to Slash McLeod, both the J-Beasts, Hanley and Riebe, took free passes.  “The walks immediately got to Network,” said McLeod.  After two more walks in the inning, Network pulled its starter and brought in veteran Whitepants.  Whitepants held Tap to only two runs in the first, but the table was set for a victory. 


After Barse set Network down scoreless in the first inning, Tap got back to work again in the top of the second.  Helping his own cause, Barse laced a single into right field.  McLeod and Hanley again drew walks and set up a towering grand slam for J-Beast Riebe to put Tap ahead 7-0.  The Tap would cruise from there.


Barse continued to mow down Network, surrendering only 2 runs through the game’s first two innings.  Pianolegs Hanley added a two-run triple in the sixth inning, and Club Tap grabbed a 10-2 lead.  After a two-run bottom half of the sixth and scoreless top of the seventh, which saw Nate Adams’ first career triple go to waste, the boisterous Club Tap crowd of two grew anxious.  However, Barse and the superb Tap defense would seal the deal in style in the seventh.  Following a leadoff walk, the next two Network batters hit the ball into shallow left but a fine over-the-shoulder catch by shortstop Hanley and a great diving catch by leftfielder Riebe prevented Network from doing anything.  Club Tap held on comfortably and extended its winning streak to three games.


“Holding that team to four runs in seven innings was unbelievable,” said Hanley.  “Everyone stepped it up on defense, and we played a near flawless game.”  Unfortunately for Club Tap, the enthusiasm did not last long, as it suffered a tough loss in game two.


The Tappers changed fields after the game and seemed to come completely unraveled on defense.  Holding a 7-6 lead through three innings, Tap hit the wall and gave up an embarrassing twelve runs in the fourth inning on countless errors.  Club Tap would claw back into the game with seven runs of its own in the next two innings, but the team simply did not have enough to overcome its miscues in the fourth.  The surging Tap offense, which featured a 4-4 performance by on-base-machine Matt Christel and a collective 12-16 with 11 runs, 10 RBI, 5 doubles, a triple, and a home run from its 1-4 hitters, scored 16 runs in the six-inning game.


Altogether, the boys of Tap had a great day on the diamond.  Local Inebriated Funnyman Chris Carlson, who fought a nasty hangover and 80-degree heat the entire night, summed up the games by thinking to himself, “Damn, we all should get some Blatz!”  Indeed, Mr. Funnyman.  Indeed.


Club Tap, now 4-8, will end its season next Friday in a double-header against Icehouse.  Come show some support people!