Club Tap Softball Team is Shot Down and Ended up Doing Poorly

Semi-Obscure Allusion Perhaps too Obscure

Box Score


            Returning from a three-week layoff, the Clüb Tap Softball boys managed just two walks and two hits in a four-inning embarrassment against Thumbs Up Pub II on Friday night.  Just as the Tappers were mounting a miraculous comeback, they were slaughter-ruled 21-0. 


            Per usual, the Tap found itself down early, as Thumbs Up posted an 11-run first inning against an overwhelmingly weak Tap defense.  Pitcher Don Wadewitz had his typical pinpoint command, but he could do nothing to silence the opposing Yupper bats.  He did, however, have moderate success when he dropped down to sidearm.  Unfortunately, Wadewitz seemed to lose his cool, or perhaps his mind, after the Yuppers complimented their 11-run first inning with a 7-run third inning.  Celebrating his birthday in the only way he knew how, Wadewitz started throwing every ball he received from his defense towards the nearest base.  His most humorous throw to a base occurred when he threw the ball home when no one was looking.  As the ball sailed a few feet over the umpire and local inebriated funny man Chris Carlson’s head, Wadewitz showed no remorse in almost being thrown out of the game.


            Trying to calm his steaming starting pitcher and the Yupper bats, Manager Pianolegs Hanley tried everything he could.  Hanley removed Wadewitz in the fourth inning in favor of Southpaw Skip Adams.  Even Adams, the best lefty specialist in West Milwaukee, could not record an out against the Yuppers’s lone left-handed hitter.  Following the Yupper lefty’s triple, Adams was removed in favor of Wadewitz, who allowed the inherited runner to score.


            Despite the defensive woes, the Clüb Tap bats kept the team within striking distance and threatened the Yuppers late.  No-hit through the first 2.2 innings, the Tap bats exploded as $lash McLeod laced a single into center field in the third and Pianolegs Hanley ripped a squibber off the Yupper pitcher’s glove and buttery fingers in the fourth inning.  Unfortunately, just as the momentum was turning in the Tappers’s favor, the umpire called the game on the slaughter rule.


            Fortunately, the game did not result in a double-loss.  The loss dropped the Tappers to only 0-4, not 0-5.  Clüb Tap has been outscored by an upsetting 79-13 total this season.  Of the team’s slow start and week 6 performance, Manager Hanley was none too pleased.  “I can’t believe we are actually worse than last year,” said the condescending manager and game-reviewer.  “To borrow a page from Ned Yost’s book, our guys are just not concentrating out there in the field and at the plate.  For some reason, our players are nervous and have forgotten that we are playing for fun.  They are nervous of looking bad out there, but how can you be nervous still after looking this bad tonight?  It can’t be any worse than this!”  The manager plans to hold a practice this Sunday and hopes to work on the fundamentals of fielding and hitting. 


            Clüb Tap plays two very beatable teams the next two weeks, and it will make drastic changes in order to pull out a victory or two.