Rose Admits to Denying an Admission to Denying Admitting Betting on Baseball

My Conversation with Pete Rose.
I recently had a chance to sit down with the legendary Pete Rose, and here is what he had to say.

Jimmy: Mr. Rose, how are you today?
Rose: I am hanging in there. Actually, I am not doing well at all.
Jimmy: Does this mean you are unhappy with the latest discussions of your character in baseball and the media?
Rose: I don't care at all what the media and people in baseball think of me. All I want is to be reinstated to the game, but it would be nice if people in the media and baseball would think more of me.
Jimmy: How do you respond to people such as Tommy Gioiosa who say that you not only bet as a player but also while you were in the clubhouse as manager of the Reds?
Rose: You have no proof. I did not admit to that in my book.
Jimmy: There seems to be a feeling that you are still not telling the whole truth.
Rose: Of course I am telling the whole truth. It is the only way Mr. Selig will let me back into the game.
Jimmy: What did you say to Bud Selig when you met with him privately last year?
Rose: I told him that I never bet on baseball. He did not believe me and told me that the only way I'd be reinstated was if I admitted to betting. So, I agreed to admit everything he wanted.
Jimmy: Does this mean you are only admitting because Bud Selig wants you to? There is nothing in your heart that says coming clean is right?
Rose: I don't have anything to admit. I never bet on baseball.
Jimmy: Mr. Rose, do you still expect people to believe that?
Rose: Yes. Did I bet on baseball? Of course I did. That is obvious. But did I bet on baseball? I don't think anyone really knows that.
Jimmy: With all do respect, that is retarded.
Rose: I don't think it is at all. In fact, I'll bet you $100 that it is retarded.
Jimmy: What is your problem?
Rose: My problem is that I am banished from baseball.
Jimmy: ?
Rose: It is.
Jimmy: Okay, let's forget this and move on. Why did you choose this time to publish your book and do interviews?
Rose: January is my favorite month.
Jimmy: Did you realize this would be a distraction from the Hall of Fame elections of Paul Molitor and Dennis Eckersley?
Rose: Who? You forget I have been banished from watching baseball for the past 15 years.
Jimmy: No you haven't. I am sure you know who those two players are.
Rose: Are you saying I am lying?
Jimmy: Yes. You even played and managed at the same time they were in the league.
Rose: Look, I have never lied. I am sick of being painted as a liar by the media just because I lied by admitting gambling on baseball.
Jimmy: You have got to be kidding me.
Rose: Nope. I am 100% straight-shooter.
Jimmy: Okay, lets deal with the question that has been plaguing baseball for decades. What's the deal with your mop?
Rose: It started out as a joke. I grew my hair out so that I'd look like Marge Schott. I used to crack the team up by doing impressions of her. The impressions were really in depth. I remember she used to love betting on baseball, so one or more times I remember doing full impressions of her by throwing my voice to sound like hers, calling my bookie, and betting against the Reds. Then I'd throw the games. Our team got a kick out of that one.
Jimmy: That is absolutely ridiculous. I think you are a despicable human being Mr. Rose.
Rose: I bet you $300 I am a human being.
Jimmy: Good bye Mr. Rose.

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