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T.J. Cloutier & Randy Newman

Altria CEO Louis Camilleri & Phil Hellmuth

Pred McKenzie & The Predator

Steve Howe & Skeletor

Marquis Grissom & Bill Duke

John Candy & the MU Women's Softball Coach
The MU women's softball coach greatly resembles the late John Candy from "Plains, Trains, and Automobiles." Sorry about the poor picture quality.

49 & 53

A Young Raven Symone & Ron Belliard

Max Weinberg & Tom Crean

Tim Curry & Jordan Rudess
Dream Theater keyboardist Jordan Rudess has a striking resemblance to Tim Curry. If you could see Jordan better in the picture, you'd think he was about to tell you about missile keys or wilderness girls cookies.

Ted Kennedy & Brian Dennehy
For God's sake, these guys' names even rhyme! They even dress alike. Not only that, but they both love alcohol. However, one is constantly enforcing the laws, while the other is constantly breaking them. Hence, we can tell they are not the same person

Kiroc & Mark Belling
I'm not saying Mark Belling is an unfrozen caveman lawyer, but he sure does look like one. As bad as both pictures are, you can probably see what I'm talking about.

Dave Chappelle & J.J. from Good Times

Michael Jackson and the guy who had his face bitten off in Hannibal ...and more Michael Jackson Clones: an albino raccoon, the Joker, Fire Marshall Bill, his sister LaToya, and Kiss' Paul Stanley.

This Ghost & C.C. Deville

The Pillsbury Dough Boy & The Stay Puft Marshmellow Man

Kurt Warner's Wife & Gozer

Benito Santiago, a Pirate, & an old Cather's Mitt

Todd Turtle Townsend (T-Cubed) & a Turtle

Rush Limbaugh & Mike Scioscia