Brewers Archives of Terms

--Keith Osik: Catcher, #21; Nicknames: "Oh Sick", "ahsik", and "O'Suck"

--Eddie Perez: Catcher, #12; Nicknames: "Henry Blanco", "Henry", "Blanco", "Cheese-Stasch", "Wabbily-Knees", "Fast Eddie", "Single-of-the-Wall" Perez, "Squeaky Knees", "Squeaky", Squeaks", "Rusty Knees", "Rusty", and "The Tin-Man".

--Royce Clayton: Shortstop, #10; Nicknames: "Mini-Pred", "Straight Clownin", and "Dreds".

--Richie Sexson: First Base, #11; Nicknames: "Sexy", "has anyone seen Richie?" Sexson, "Sexson Candy", and "The Big Bopper".

--Eric Young: Second Base, #7; Nicknames: "EY", "Muscle-Man", "Roids", "Eric Old", "E4", "Wrinkly Neck", and "SecondbaseMuscleman".

--Jeffrey Hammonds: Disabled List, #41; Nicknames: "Mr. Money", "The 8 million dollar man", Jeffrey "Hamstrings", and "Run and Fall" Hammonds. **(V. "hammonds"; ex. "You really hammondsed that one"; 1. To fail to meet expectations or to injure oneself easily. 2. In baseball, to sign to a huge contract and never play.) (N. "Hammonds"; one who frequently hammondses. An underachiever or useless entity. See above.)**

--John Vander Wal: Outfielder, #24; Nicknames: "The Professional Hitter" and "Van der Waal Forces".

--Alex Sanchez: Center Fielder, #22; Nicknames: "$anchez", "The Raft-Man", "Driftwood", "Dirty", "Brittle Legs", "E8", and "Idiot". **(V. or Adv. "Sanchezed" or "Sanchezy" meaning 1. To run or float aimlessly showing no mental consideration. 2. To illegally enter a foreign country)**

--Valerio De Los Santos: Relief Pitcher, #28; Nicknames: Valerio "DeLosStraightestFastballEveros". **("de los Santos"; Spanish phrase meaning to move an object at a predictable rate and direction. To never deviate an inch of course.)**

--Mike DeJean: Closing Pitcher, #48; Nicknames: "Dee Jeen" and "Ground-Ball-Machine".

--Leo Estrella: Relief Pitcher, #53; Nicknames: Vizcaino II.

--John Foster: Relief Pitcher, #40; Nicknames: "The Fast-Slowballer". **("Fast-Slowball" N. meaning a deceptively fast slow pitch usually thrown up in the strikezone)**

--Wayne Franklin: Pitcher, #26; Nicknames: "Rusch Clone".

--Curtis Leskanic: Relief Pitcher, #33; Nicknames: "Double Zero" and "Leg-Muscle-Arm" Leskanic.

--Ruben Quevedo: Starting Pitcher, #37; Nicknames: "Fatt Q", "Q", the "Rubik Cube", "QT", "Rubes", "Fat Rubes", "The Q Ball", "The Ruben Sandwich", "Quevedough Boy", and "The Quban".

--Todd Ritchie: Starting Pitcher, #46; Nicknames: Todd "Has anybody seen" Ritchie.

--Glendon Rusch: Starting Pitcher, #39; Nicknames: "Glendumb Rusch" and "Brandon Rusch". **("Rusch" Adj. a state of being consistently inconsistent)**

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