Other People's Suggestions

Georgia Tech Prof. Thomas K. Gaylord and Jim Boeheim

***Courtesy of Tom***

Actor Billy Drago and Rush Drummer Neil Peart

***Courtesy of Jeff***

Former NBA Player Todd Lichti and the One Armed Guy from the Fugitive

This is like one of those pictures you need to stare at for a long time until you see a ship or something.

***Courtesy of Jeff***

Milwaukee J.S. Columnist Dennis McCann and Chris Elliott

There is no difference between these guys in that I wouldn't trust my children around either of them.

***Courtesy of $lash***

Pete Carroll and John Kerry

You've all been wondering who this son of a bitch looks lately...Pete Carroll of course.

*** Courtesy of Sean***

Hitler, the Dunkin Donuts Guy, and Saddam

I always thought the Dunkin guy was a great man...until now!!!

*** Courtesy of MU Eagle Matt***

Vincent Donofrio and Ray Liotta

Remembering Vincent Donofrio's name is one of the hardest things in the world. Luckily, he also goes by the name of "Warp Liotta."

*** "Warp Liotta" Name Courtesy of Erik...Similarity of Appearance is Common Sense***

Ron Jeremy and Khalid Shaikh Mohammed

This one made me fall out of my seat laughing. Great contribution here from an unlikely source.

*** Idea Courtesy of Jeff's Roommate Jake ***

Bartolo Colon and Andre the Giant

Honestly now, if Andre's shirt weren't off, could you tell which one was which? I didn't think so.

*** Idea Courtesy of Jeff ***

The Bub's Accounting Teacher and that Tales from the Crypt Thing/Guy

Pretty scary huh? I don't know this guy, but I do know he looks a hell of a lot like the Tales from the Crypt guy.

*** Idea Courtesy of Andrew ***

Chevon Troutman and Colonel Troutman

These guys may have similar names, but Pittsburgh forward Cevon Troutman and Rambo star, Colonel Troutman, look nothing alike.

*** Idea Courtesy of Tom***