Golfing World Taken Back by Singh's Comments

Singh to Sorenstam: Don't Mess with my Boobs

Vijay Singh (above) shows off his assets to a hungry crowd.

Just days before Annika Sorenstam will make golf history by becoming the first woman to play in a men's PGA tournament, Vijay Singh offered a unique opposition and confrontational stance to her involvement. Singh, who is well known and loved for his healthy chest lumps, constructed a good argument against women in general saying, "Annika and all other women wishing to participate in men's professional golf must realize that they can never be as good as men. Sure they can putt as well and are far more accurate off the tee, but they lack one important skill; man-boobage." Singh then pointed at Sorenstam and a female reporter nearby and started laughing wildly screaming, "You call those man-boobs?!"

In addition, Singh pointed to Sorenstam's weight problem. "Clearly she is skinny, but she is not fat as well" said the former Master's Champion. It goes without saying that Singh has a point. To be a consistently successful golfer, it is common knowledge that one must be sufficiently skinny-fat and possess amble man-boobs.
Despite the common sense behind his remarks, Singh has taken heat for his comments. For the most part, people were upset with his tone. It's not so much that anyone disagrees with him, rather, people feel insulted by Singh's arrogance. When asked to comment, Sorenstam said, "Sure I am jealous when I look at [Singh]. Clearly he has something to be proud of, but he doesn't need to put others down so harshly. God gave him the gift of man-boobs for the benefit of all mankind. He selfishly uses them to his own advantage rather than allowing others to share in their righteousness."
The firestorm has created much publicity for the tournament this weekend. Many people will be rooting for Annika to beat Vijay in what would be one of the greatest upsets in modern golf history.