1. Buy the Largest Aquarium Possible
Do not put it in direct sunlight (this will cause algae to
Put it on a firm stand.
2. The Water
Most tap water contains either chlorine or chloramine (your
dealer can advise).
Talk with your local pet professional to learn what water
treatments will work best for you.
Heating & Lighting
Use a submersible heater with a built-in thermostat; this
ensures the exact temperature and is easy to set.
Use a digital thermometer, which mounts outside the glass, to
be sure the temperature is correct. A covered canopy and fluorescent lighting
fixture can be added to your tank.
4. Filtration & Aeration
Add a power filter, ask your dealer which one is best for you.
Added aeration helps keep fish active and healthy by adding needed
oxygen to the water, and bubbles make your aquarium come alive.
5. Adding Fish and Plants
Initially add only a few fish; this will allow the proper
water environment to develop.
After one month, add as many fish as your dealer recommends.
Always add a recommended water conditioner when adding new
fish. Live plants are generally not for first time aquarium keepers, but you can
add life-like plastic plants that are so authentic you'll think they are real!
6. Feeding
Feed your fish as recommended in the Care & Feeding Chart.
Feed only small amounts daily.
Flake food is the world's finest fish food and should be used
as the staple diet.
7. Maintenance
Every two weeks change 20% of the water by siphoning from the
bottom and stirring the gravel to ensure most debris is removed.
To change aquarium water efficiently, use a gravel cleaner to
siphon debris and waste from the gravel without distributing aquarium decor;
there is no need to remove fish. Change the Filter Cartridge every two weeks.
Add Water Conditioner as directed.
8. Troubleshooting
Monitor water conditions (pH, ammonia, and nitrite) regularly
with aquarium test kits. This will enable you to prevent water related problems
before they begin.