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Emperor Angelfish

Pomacanthus imperator  (Bloch, 1787)

Temperment Sociability Min. Tank Availability Area
Peaceful Pairs 70 gallons Common All Ranges
The Emperor Angelfish is one of the more beautiful marine fish available to the aquarist. The juvenile fish displays much different markings than its adult form. Juveniles are very dark with a concentric pattern of white lines, and is very similar to the juvenile forms of Pomacanthus annularis and P. semicirculatus. The adult Emperor Angel has a bright yellow caudal fin and a yellow body crossed diagonally by pale blue-grey lines. The anal fin and head are dark and edged in blue. Around the mouth is a creamy white.

The Emperor Angelfish is a reef-dweller and needs a clean tank with a good filtration system. Regular water changes are essential to this fish's good health. This fish enjoys the company of other large peaceful fish, but care should be taken when introducing this shy fish into an established aquarium. The tank should be large, with plenty of hiding and open swimming places.

