What do we the Class of 2007 want in our Freshman class President?
We need a leader who is energized to motivate and mobilize our class as a unified front to get things done.
We need a leader who has a powerful sense of mission and purpose allowing that person to get done what must be done.
We need a leader who is capable of innovation, one who can deal with problems that exist or may arise.
That leader is Mike Alexandroff.
What qualities does Mike Alexandroff possess?
Assertive- seeks relentlessly how to get a problem solved;
Motivated- never stops working on an issue that needs to be solved;
Committed- to handle authority and navigate challenging tasks;
Risk-Taker- willing to take the risk to get the job done;
Innovative- won't wait for the problem to disappear or for someone else to fix it, will step up and get the problem solved;
Responsive- understands that there are time constrains and won't waste time;
Empathetic- caring and a good listener.
About Mike
My leadership experience is extensive. In high school I was a student leader for four years. I have learned to be very articulate with speech practice as being a lector. Additionally, I'm accustomed to public speaking and the parliamentary style of student government through my attendance of New Jersey State , Yale, Princeton , Harvard , Colombia , Penn, and Rutgers Model Congress all four years of high school.
I feel compelled to run for freshman president because Catholic was my first choice. Already I am setting goals for how to improve the condition of university life here, whether I am elected or not. If I start out as president freshman year, imagine the capacity for change that I can develop over the next four years.
I plan to change my website upon the beginning of the term as president to make it completely interactive. I will post everything that I am currently working on as President. There will be a comments section; I want to hear any improvements that are within my power; whether having to do with freshman issues, dining requests, or safety measures. Please suggest anything and everything; I want to know how I am doing as president, I want to meet with any students that have ideas for bills or opposition to any in existence. In short, I'm here to serve my class and this university with unceasing dedication. Vote Mike Alexandroff for president on September 24 th – you won't regret it.
John Francis Welch, in a speech to the bay area council of San Francisco 1989 said that a, “leader's unending responsibility must be to remove every detour; every barrier to ensure that vision is first clear, then real”. Today I want to make my vision clear about what we the class of 2007 stand for and what we can do to serve our school better.
Ladies and Gentlemen of the class of 2007, my name is Michael Alexandroff and I am running for the position of freshman class president. Why do I run? I am running to be the freshman class president because I believe that we as a class, need to deal with the problems that plague our daily lives each and everyday here at The Catholic University of America. I believe a unified class is what is needed to make change. Finally I believe that I am that leader who can make those changes happen and make a difference in this school.
Why am I that person? I am a strong willed individual who is capable of getting the job done. I am persistent in every thing I endeavor, and do not stop until I get the task accomplished. I have experience as a leader. During the past four years I have been a class leader, captain, and friend. I would bring issues before my town school board and argue them with passion, resulting in changes for my school using researched evidence – such as a lowering of the cafeteria lunch prices by almost a dollar and an inquiry on a staff member. I organized petitions, talks, face to face conferences and more. Though this I learned that to accomplish the things that needed to be accomplished and the means of getting there. It took investigation, dedication, and team work resulting in positive change in environment. Change though, does not happen over night, it takes time, effort and patience to do a job right. It also takes that unified class and a leader who is willing to go that extra mile to get the job done.
Just the other day I was talking to a group of people about what should be changed here at CUA. Most students I found agreed that lack of solidity in Catholic's student body is the biggest weakness of our school. Many also point to a lack of school spirit as another shortcoming. If elected President I would make my greatest attempt at making this class diverse and stro ng. I would hold a monthly meeting in North Campus, and a monthly meeting in South campus with a town-square forum so to reach out to all freshman, no matter what their location or mine.
Throughout the University a prevalent problem is the effectiveness of the food court system. During a lunch or dinner rush, lines threaten hungry students with hours of waiting expectably in the dining room. This is caused by understaffing and inadequate production facilities, too few ovens, bad placement of assembly lines, unkempt machines with large margin for error. I f elected President I would correct this issue by first making the necessary inquiries and then by following though. I have already formulated a plan that I believe can be put into action to affectively correct this situation.
Finally, walking across campus to class is hazardous and a laborious task; 24 hour busing should be available, for both safety and connivance reasons. Almost every school in the area and across the nation have busing availably for there students. I f elected President I would correct this issue by immediately approaching the appropriate person and making this idea a reality. Our parents pay in excess of 36 thousand dollars a year to get us an education, yet as we saw just a few weeks ago as shots ran out on the south side of campus our security is at risk and we must do something about it today before some one does get hurt.
I hope I have made my vision clear for the future of CUA. If I was given this change to lead the class of 2007 I would not squander it, give me the opportunity and I will not disappoint. Thank you and god bless.