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Welcome to Troop 1103

Girl Scout Promise
On My Honor
I Will Try To Serve God
And My Country,
To Help People At All Times,
And To Live By The Girl Scout

We have 12 incredible girls!
StephanieBreigh Anna

Welcome to our brownie troop. Our troop is a part of the Mile Hi Council. We are located in Aurora, Colorado. We have been meeting since the start of this school year. We just finished selling cookies. And guess what? We were able to meet our goal of 1500 cookie boxes sold! Wow! We had a great time at our unit's Thinking Day! We found out Japan is rich in culture and beauty. We are currently working on our dance badge. We have also adopted a soldier from Saudi. She is married and a Captain in the military! We are going to write her lots of letters and send her some goodies. If you are interested in adopting your very own soldier contact our leader for more information.


Each of us will have our very own page telling you a little about us.

The badges we have earned.

Our Mascot Page (we have 3 mascots!).

Some surprises!!!! (you'll have to come back to see what they are)

Our Web Site

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Our First Award!

Thank you Roseanne for our first award!

Adopt an Angel
Elysium Adoption Agency

Adopt An Angel

A reminder to be thankful for all the "Angels"
in our lives and to do our best to be an
"Angel" in someone else's.

(c)Angel graphic by Kitty Roach Used with permission.
(c)Angel` -
Elysium Adoption Agency

A huge THANK YOU for letting us use your graphics



This page was last updated on 11/11/99
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