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(Notice the eye - it's text.)
(Notice the ear - it's sound.)

"The Medium is the Message"

"Artists in various fields are always the first to discover
how to enable one medium to use or to release the power of another."
"Everyone has at some time wished he were equipped with
his own sound system during a movie performance..."

"In the electric age we see ourselves being translated
more and more into the form of information,
moving toward the technological extension of consciousness."

"We have to numb our central nervous system when it is extended and exposed,
or we will die.
Thus the age of anxiety and of electric media
is also the age of the unconscious and of apathy."

"Anyone who begins to examine the patterns of automation finds that
perfecting the individual machine by making it automatic involves

"Once we have surrendered our senses and nervous systems
to the private manipulation of those who would try to benefit
from taking a lease on our eyes and ears and nerves,
we don't really have any rights left."

"Walls are made of uniformly fragmented bricks
that arise with specialisms and bureaucracies."

Decide for yourself.

You'll need:

1) One copy of Understanding Media
by Marshall McLuhan.

2) One copy of Meddle,
by Pink Floyd.

Read the book.
Listen to the music.
Check out the movie synchs with Meddle.

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