Chapter 3

I woke up the next morning at 7:00 a.m. Classes started at 9:00. Breakfast was 7:30-8:30. I had just enough time to get ready. I guessed I should probably wake Michal up before showering. "Yo Michal! Get up." I yelled. “What? I’m sleeping." She said grumpily. "Yeah, I noticed, that’s why I woke you. You'll be late for school." I said. "So?” She rolled over and went back to sleep. She was hopeless. I took a quick shower and finished at 7:15. Shit. I barely had any time left. Michal was already sitting up in her bed by the time I got out. "Am I dreaming or do you actually look normal?” She asked. "Ha ha." I said. But she was right. Last night I'd washed out my pink streaks. They were just temporary dye and I'd only done it to freak my parents out but now they weren't around and besides I was getting tired of pink. I was wearing black jeans and a black tank top which was actually pretty comfortable. And I hadn’t put on my makeup yet. So I guessed that I looked like the typical Buxton student. I checked my nailpolish. It wasn’t chipped which would save me some time. I blow-dried my hair which took about 15 minutes. By the time I was finished Michal was out of the shower. I went to the bathroom to get my makeup. I remember what Mr. Brown had said about my makeup so being the good girl that I am, I only used mascara, eyeliner and purple eyeshadow and lipstick. Michal finished blowdrying her hair. "Ya coming to breakfast?" She asked. "Yeah, let's go." I said. We walked over to the dining hall. I saw that blond chick Kayleigh together with a light brown haired chick. They came over to say hi. The light brown one turned out to be Krista Parker who was in a room next to ours. “You wanna sit with us?" Krista asked. "Sure, but is it ok if my cousin sits with us too?" I asked. "Why not?” K. Kay said. I saw Sean entering the dining hall. “Sean!” I called. K. Kay looked at him. "Sean’s your cousin?" "Yeah, why?” I asked. “Nothing, he’s actually a pretty good friend of mine.” K. Kay told me. Sean came over to where we were standing. "Hey S.” He said to me. "Hey K. So you met my cousin?" "Yeah, we met yesterday.” K. Kay said. We sat down at a table. After a few minutes K. Kay started waving at some guys who came into the dining hall. "Who are those?” Michal asked. "My friend Ritchie and his friends from England.” K. Kay said as they came over to our table.

The girls at this table were hot. I noticed Abs checking out one of the girls, I think her name was Michal. She was more Abs' type than mine. My eyes were on the one wearing black. I think her name wad Tiffany or Stephanie. Something like that. I couldn't help but stare at her. There was something about her. She just seemed special. You can tell a lot about a person by looking into their eyes. And it wasn't just her eyes, I was attracted to her I looked away. I didn't want to scare her away. I would probably have lots of chances to talk to her later.

The guy was freaking me out. He was staring at me for some weird reason. “Could you stop staring at me?"
"Oh sorry. But you’re beautiful.” He complimented me. "Thanks, but no thanks if ya get what I mean.” I got up and pushed my chair back. "I'm gonna go outside for a smoke anyone wanna come?” I hoped no one would. I didn't get my wish. One of K. Kay's friends came. The fag one. Oh well. “So it looks like Scott has the hots for you." He said once we got outside. "he's like, so not my type." I said lighting up a cig. "Aren't you gonna at least give him a chance?” Ritchie asked. "Who are you anyway, telling me to give your friend a chance? How do you know I don’t have a boyfriend?" I said. "well sorry, I was just trying to help, I think I'll go inside now." Ritchie said. “Fine.” I finished my cig and lit up another one.
"That was pretty harsh, even though that Scott guy doesn't seem like your type. Not by what I've seen so far.” A voice said from behind me. Suddenly I remembered that voice. And when I saw it was that Jason guy from Brown's office I put two and two together. I couldn't believe it. I just hoped he didn't remember.

“Now you telling me who's my type." She said. "nah, that's not my thing. You can date whoever for all I care.” I said sitting beside her. "Yeah right.” I could tell she didn't believe me. "So you listened to my uncle huh?” I smirked examaining her clothes and makeup. "Anyway." I continued. “I saw you in Bruce's office and you looked real familiar, so I couldn’t help thinking that maybe we met somewhere. She sneered. "look Jason or whatever your name is, I don’t know who you think I am but I really don't have time for your lame ass pickup lines." "It isn't a pickup line. I swear I know your face.” I insisted. "Nope, sorry. Now if you'll excuse me I gotta get back inside. She got up and walked inside. Ok, so she didn't know me, but I could sense she was lying and I was sure I’d seen her face somewhere, it wasn't the kind of face you just forget.

I couldn't believe J remembered me. I looked much different than I had two years ago. Of course I wasn’t going to tell him. I wasn't stupid. I didn’t know if his personality had changed at all, but sometimes I all of a sudden get these weird crushes on people so I didn’t want to tell him in case I had a chance with him even though he wasn't really dating material I could never know and it was better to be safe than sorry, right?

I was eating breakfast with Leslie and a few other girls from volleyball when I saw him He was so hot. He went over to sit at Kayleigh’s table with the rest of the weirdos. I scanned the people sitting at the table. There were some new kids there who apparently were friendly with K. Kay but he was the hottest one out of all the guys.I tried to catch his eye but he was all over a girl at that table. I kept on watching him as he flashed the girl smiles and flirted with her. I could see the girl wasn’t really interested by the way she kept turning away. I had to have him.

Shavana nudged me. "Look at that hottie over there at K. Kay’s table.” I looked and I saw this amazing guy. "tell me about it." I said. "I have just got to go out with him." Shav told me. So she was interested in him. Uh oh, big problem, me and Shav want the same guy. Well she didn't have to know. "So you think he's new here?" I asked. She nodded. "definitely. I would've noticed a guy this gorgeous, if he'd gone here." Whoa, Shavana was totally into this guy. I tried to think of something else to talk about when Ritchie came over to the table. "Hey." He said and kissed me. I tried not to push him away, it looked like he'd gotten uglier over the summer. "Hi Ritchie.” I said. “so baby did you miss me?" He asked. “Actually not really." I said pushing him away. He looked a little hurt but he didn't back off. Couldn't the guy take a hint? "Ritchie, I’m busy now." I said. "Ok, I can take a hint." finally. I though to myself. I turned my attention back to Shavana.

All the nervousness I'd had about my first day was gone. The people were being so nice to me, I couldn’t believe it. Right now I was walking with K. Kay to my first class which was French. I saw my roommate Leslie pass and I waved hi to her. She didn't wave back. "What was that for?" K. Kay asked. “She’s my roomie, I thought she'd say hi to me." I answered. "Leslie Space doesn't say hi to anyone outside her pathetic social circle.” K. Kay told me. "Oh." I replied. There was tons to learn about this place.
