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Me meeting AJ

Hey all! Well I did it! I met the man himself, AJ MCLEAN! Let me tell you the story! My parents got my friend, Polly and I, 8th row tickets to the BSB concert in Denver on Halloween! We decided to spend the night at a small hotel in Denver. My parents dropped Polly and I off at Cherry Creek mall so we could shop while they checked in and caught up with some friends. While Polly and I were in Abercrombie & Fitch my dad called my cell and told me that the bsb were at our hotel. Of course I didn't beleive him, but then he walked outside and yelled "Who are you here for?" And a bunch of girls yelled "Backstreet Boys!" So I instanly freaked out, and screamed in the middle of the store, to say the last I had some weird looks! Anyways, my friend and I shopped for another couple of hours, then my dad sent a limo to come and get us because my parents had gone to a Broncos game. Polly and I walked in the door just as Mindi was walking out, and we instantly freaked! We talked to the valet (who was REALLY hot and sweet) and he told us that the boys weren't going to be back until after the show. So anyways we went up to the room and changed, I made the mistake of wearing Abercrombie (i'll explain later) and we headed to the show once my parents got back. To say the least the concert kicked ass! Once it was done we headed back to the hotel to see if we could catch them coming in. Well, they leave the venue right after the concert is over, so they were all in their rooms already. Polly and I then met 6 other girls who were at the concert, and staying at the hotel, and we all spotted the drummer, Bubba, sitting in the lobby by the fireplace. We all ploped down and started talking to him. While we were talking Howie came down and signed all of our stuff, then went to a club. Nick and Kevin snuck out, but my parents did meet Nick because as it turned out he was staying on our floor. Then AJ came out and we all asked if he could sign our stuff (mind you this was 12 in the morning) he said he had to leave, but he'd be back to sign everything. So we went back and talked to Bubba until 3 am when Brian and Leighanne came in. Brian ignored us, but Leighanne came back down w/ Tyke, and I don't care what any of you say, she's a sweetheart! Anyways, she apologized for Brian, and said he was tired (they were dressed as matching clowns by the way, too cute!) So we all sat at a desk facing the door since Bubba had left and waited for AJ to come in. He finally did and was just about to walk by us when I yelled "Will you sign this?" He turned around smiled and said "Sure sweetie!" Let me tell you, he looks even better in person! We asked him about the club, and he said it was boring and sucked! Then he noticed my shirt and told me to never wear Abercrombie because one of his ex-girlfriends used to work there and it's bad! AJ and his bodyguard talked about that w/ us for a little. Then we took a group pic. and he left saying that he was very tired. Well, those are my details from meeting AJ! I'll try to scan some concert pics and pics of me w/ AJ and Howie when I have the time!
