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Many of the things AJ says are VERY cute! But they can also be serious, or just plane funny! So enjoy all of the things that Bone says!

"We did, 'Boys Will Be Boys' and we were supposed to dance with our mikestands," recalled AJ "They put carrots in the mike stands. I didn't know what it was and I just couldn't stop laughing!"

"Nothing embarrasses me-I'm pretty goofy"

"I shop more than most women, in fact, on a perfect day off work, I'd shop until I couldn't fit anymore bags in my car"

"We act like a bunch of little kids" Aj said. "We're like brothers"

"I'm the type of guy that likes to be there almost 24/7, I'm Mr. Roses, I'm as old fashioned as they come. Even though I'm a flirt and I'll talk to girls a lot, if I were to pick one girl, I'd try to give her as much time and respect as I could. That's why if I can't give her all the time that she would want, it's not worth it. It's either all or nothing for me."

"We've learned so much in so little time."

"The good guys win but the villians are the ones that everyone likes, that's why I'd like to be the villian" AJ on why he'd be a villian in a movie

"Music is the universal language. If you can't speak something, maybe you could play a tape, or play a song."

"As long as it makes you happy, that's all that matters."

"To be sitting in the car with my mom driving, and all of a sudden our song pops up on the radio-I'd been waiting and waiting for that day, I just about cried."

"I keep thinking, I'm just a regular guy. Why are you crying? Why weren't girls crying all over me in high school? My God, I wish it happened then." AJ on fans crying

"It's Baywatch, the sequel"

"I have no idea what he just said, but I think it was about the video shoot"

"Maybe now I can have a girlfriend"

"My brother Bill, and my brother Phil, Don't make em angry"

"I'm an abstract person. I'm like a Picasso painting- I'm going every which way."

"Don't wear Abercrombie & Fitch, it's bad for you, REALLY BAD!" **

"Did you enjoy the show? Good 'cause the after party sucked!" **

"Girl, drink more water!" **

** = Things AJ said to me when I met him.

I will add many more quotes once I find them! Please do not take any quotes from this page without my permission! Thank You

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