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Unit:01 Test Type

This thing is just nuts. It's inhabited by the soul of Shinji's mother, which is why he can synch with it so well and why it saved his life in the first episode. Unfortunately his mother doesn't have complete control over this thing. in episodes #16 and #19 it goes completely nuts, moreso than in the second episode. In episode #19 it's just plain scary. Not only does it go nuts but it gets this complete animal fury about it that is really freaky to watch. The thing ATE part of the angel it was fighting. That's just not right. And as far as I know it's because of this thing that all life on Earth is screwed over in the movie. It refused to join Lilith in forming all life into one lifeform and so her AT-field broke down and all the souls of the planet now orbit the dead and barren Earth. Unit:01 looks cool and whups upon angel ass but really sucks in the end.
