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Interested in volunteering for AUDE?

At present, AUDE is in a period of transition, with an ongoing reevaluation of its project goals which means we are terminating a certain number of projects which have been in preparation for a long time and are making a selection among a number of new project proposals. We hope to complete our reorganization by January 1999 at which point we can consider applications from new interns.

If you are interested in volunteering your time for AUDE, please read the following information on the profile of the type of intern which we could eventually use and the duties which would be assigned to them.

Prospective interns should:

- have very good proficiency in French (comprehension, conversation and writing skills) as well as in English.

- be adaptable and patient, capable of functioning in the context of a developing country.

- be computer literate (at least word processing and email).

Interns with experience in student broadcasting or journalism could assist with the bi-monthly magazine Bien Etre and RFS (Women's Solidarity Radio). The latter is a local station, based in Abidjan, scheduled to begin broadcasting in November, 1998.

Other work could include:

- assisting in the planning of new projects

- soliciting financial support for projects from local businesses, government agencies and international organizations

- assisting in the implementation of projects once funding has been obtained: organization, logistics, negotiations with partners in the projects

- soliciting contributions in kind from agro-alimentary firms and appropriate businesses for food and clothing banks.

