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This chapter speaks of two important elements in Christian experience - rebirth or regeneration, and faith. They occur in that order in the chapter and in the experience of every individual.


The path to heaven begins when a person is ‘born again’. Before this he is, in the words of Paul, ‘dead in transgressions and sins.’ This explains why he cannot ‘see’ or ‘enter’ the kingdom of God. He is as incapable of moving toward heaven as a corpse is of turning itself in any direction. A force from outside is necessary. Being born again is the work of the Holy Spirit in us, stirring us, raising us and giving us the power. It is the planting of life in that which was dead.

So far, the sinner contributes nothing to what is happening to him. The work is entirely God’s. But the work does not end there. For now Jesus speaks of believing, and later in the chapter we find John the Baptist doing so. It is not the Holy Spirit who must believe - it is the sinner. And this he is able to do only after he has been born again.


But what must he believe? The question is better asked, In whom must he believe? For faith is not merely a matter of believing certain facts, although that is included, but rather trust and wholehearted commitment to a Person, the Lord Jesus Christ. the facts are that God gave His Son to die on a cross for the sins of men and women. Faith is our total personal response to God’s Son. By this means we are rescued from the condemnation and wrath of God.

Although these two features are closely associated in the Bible, they are both clearly distinguished. In your own experience you will not be able to separate them. No one can say ‘I was born again then’, and then later ‘I believed then’. They serve, however, to show our absolute dependence on God, and the necessity for us to believe. Bearing this in mind will make sure that we do not become lop-sided in our understanding of the gospel.

"When Jesus speaks about entering the kingdom of God, it is clear that the expression is equivalent to ‘having everlasting life’ or being saved. The kingdom of God is the realm in which His rule is recognized and obeyed and in which His grace prevails. Before once can see that kingdom, before one can have everlasting life in any sense, one must be born from above. It is very clear, therefore, that there is an act of God which precedes any act of man." (William Hendriksen)

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