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Sexual Purity

One of saddest things I have discovered as I have walked with God and attended His house is that Pastors are afraid to deal with the issue of Sexual Purity until it is too late. Not wishing to offend anyone they avoid mentioning that 'S' word and thus leave their young people at the disposal of the world to learn all about sex. The silence of Pastors has meant that young people are learning that sex outside marriage is okay, and that casual sex is alright as long as you use a condom, and that the more sexual partners you have the better experienced you will be by the time you come to get married.
If you think I am being an alarmist then I urge you to take a look at the movies, magazines, TV shows and music that you are into. The concept of love presented by the world is so alien to that which God speaks about in His Word and in fact all that love means to the world is 'let's have sex'. No commitment is necessary in the world to be 'in love'. Again how vastly different from the Biblical concept of relationships!

 Sexual purity is not an optional extra for the Christian. It is the inevitable outcome of a life that is committed to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. It is a wholeheardted desire to do that which is pleasing in the sight of God. So when we are challenged in the word to FLEE Sexual immorality we need like Joseph to get our spiritual Nike's on and run as fast as we can away from it.

 The devil of course wants you to indulge in sexual activity before you are married. Asfter all, everyone is doing it! He knows that if he gets you to fall in this area then he has got you in a position where he can destroy you. What better way to destroy you than wrecking your testimony! If he can catch you here then your life in the eyes of the world is worth nothing.

 In saying that, if you have run headlong into a position where you have compromised your sexual purity it does not mean that in the eyes of a loving Heavenly Father there is no hope for you. He comes and and speaks to you and lets you know that the way to forgiveness is still the same : Confess your sins, repent of your sins, forsake your sins and receive the forgiveness and cleansing through the blood of Jesus Christ.

 A number of Christian artists have written songs that speak of the need of Sexual Purity and we applaud them for their stand and their outspokenness. If only the Pastor's of our Churches would be a bold! I trust that we will not only applaud the likes of Point of Grace, Al Denson, Becca Jackson etc but that we will, in the words of Al Denson's song 'Pledge To Purity' pray:

"I pledge my life to do what's right
 This is my sole security
 Here in my heart both day and night
 I'll make a pledge to purity."

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