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A Word From The Editor (4)

"The Lord reigns" Psalm 97:1

Twila Paris sang 'God is in Control' on her 'Beyond A Dream' album released a few years ago, and I have been struck afresh by that truth as I've been reading through the Psalms in my daily Bible reading. It is very easy for us to believe that He is in control when it comes to the big things that happen in the world around us. Our biggest difficulty comes when we are asked to apply the truth of God's sovereignty to our personal lives.

A preacher once said, "We believe in the sovereignty of God but often live as if He doesn't exist." How true this statement is! When giving consideration to God's plan for our lives, how many of us seek to take control rather than let God have His way! Many of us will testify that Proverbs 3:5-6 are favourite verses, yet if we are honest we would have to confess that we trust more in our own judgements than we do in His.

We need to return to a correct perspective in life, and that is having the Lord at the heart and centre of our lives. Whether we eat, sleep or drink, we are to do it for the glory of God. Every aspect, both big and small, falls under His domain, and the sooner we realise this, the better for us.

Here at KTCB, our desire is to have Him as Lord over all that we do and say. The contents of this latest issue we trust will confirm afresh to you His Lordship. May the Lord bless it to you.

We are always happy to receive words of encouragement from our readers and are grateful to the Lord for using KTCB to bless His people. If we can be of further service to you in your walk with God, please do not hesitate to contact us at Any questions you have we shall do our best to answer or point you to one who knows.

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