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A Word From The Editor

Welcome to the new look Keep The Candle Burning. My thanks to Brenda Winslow (b~) for stepping into the shoes of the Deputy Editor and doing a really great job on the layout front. Our usual Deputy Editor, Trish Ashmore (t!) is taking a bit of a break from the magazine for a while. We are grateful to God for her service and pray that the Lord would be with her and be a continual help to her in these difficult days.

Another newcomer to the staff of KTCB is Rebecca Maxwell (Beeker). As I need a lot of time to write and prepare the magazine I have felt the need to find someone who can become a Web Researcher for us. I am hoping that Rebecca’s position will bring to her a sense of belonging to a great work of God and that she will know the rich blessing of God in her life as she surfs the Web in search of things that will be a benefit to our readers.

Once again we have a whole banquet of goodies in store for you to read and find some encouragement from. Let me point out one article in particular. Allison Musick’s amazing story "Incredible Journey" I am certain will be a delight for all of you. The moment that I read this short story I knew we had to have it in the magazine. Thanks Allison for your permission to use it.

KTCB is your magazine, remember that. If you have thoughts, poems, short stories, reviews or teaching articles that you believe will benefit others and you would like to be a part of this ministry then do not hesitate to mail us with your pieces. You can contact us via E mail

The more I live the Christian life, the more I am convinced that we as brothers and sisters in Christ need one another. We are part of a great family that has been gathered from every tribe, tongue and nation. None of us can live independently of one another. We need the mutual support in prayer and encouragement to press on from each other. The Lord has created His Church in such a way that none of us can say "I have no need of you" (1 Cor 12:21). Let us never forget this as we seek to walk for Jesus in the world. We are not alone. All around us are brothers and sisters who will pray for us and encourage us and challenge us to get closer to Jesus.

Let us never forget the exhortation of the Scriptures: "Let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works" (Heb 10:24).

The Editor

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