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Editor's Note

Here at KTCB we believe that the church should have leaders who fit the mould that Scripture lays down. Nothing is more imperative than that the church today is in need of godly leaders. An observation of current trends here in the UK and in the USA has shown us that in many places true godly leadership is severely lacking. The result of this scandalous omission is that there are many who frequent the church who are left without instruction and direction in their life. Encouragement to press on in the faith and true Biblical counsel during dark days has also fallen by the wayside.

In order to combat these matters, over the next few issues of KTCB we shall be attempting to provide instruction especially for those who labour among young people in their church. We would urge you, dear reader, to print out copies of these articles and pass them on to your leaders for their benefit. We do not pretend to have all the answers but our approach to the subject will be firmly rooted in the Bible, for we believe that many of the current trends in leadership have deviated from God's standard and have taken on board a rather secular viewpoint.

This first article is introductory and issues a challenge to youth pastors and leaders. In later issues of KTCB, we shall focus in-depth on some of the areas raised here.

We trust that God will bless this to your hearts and grant to you the desire to fulfill your ministry to His honour and praise.

The Editor.

A Message for Youth Pastors and Leaders

1 Timothy 4:12-16

The passage we are looking at is written by the apostle Paul to a young man named Timothy, and although his ministry was to the whole church - young and old - there are a number of principles we can draw from the passage that will be of benefit to youth pastors and leaders.

One of the first things Paul says is: LET NO ONE DESPISE YOUR YOUTH. What does he mean by this? Well, it has to do with maturity. The leader is not to be childish in his/her behaviour or attitudes. The maturity has to do with spiritual maturity rather than age. If you are growing in grace, living the life of holiness, you will not give people the opportunity to despise your youth. You know the old saying 'an old head on young shoulders' - well, that is what Paul is speaking about.

So ask yourself the question - am I maturing in my walk, my knowledge and love for God? Am I acting in a manner that gives others an opportunity to despise my youth?

Next up is EXAMPLE: BUT BE AN EXAMPLE TO THE BELIEVERS. Of course, if you are going to be an example, exactly what are you to be an example in? Whatever the manner of your life, it will reflect in the lives of those you are seeking to lead. You have an enormous responsibility here and you should not take it lightly. The apostle Paul lays down six areas where you are to be an example to those you lead. I would suggest, after each one has been mentioned, that you search your heart in order to see if you are meeting the standards set by the Word of God.

The NKJV says "in word" and the NASB says "in speech". I prefer here the NASB version. You are to be an example in your "speech". What a challenge this is! How do you speak to people? What do you speak to them about? Is your speech pure or is it littered with "corrupt communication" or "unwholesome talk" (Eph. 4:29)? When you speak to others, is it in a spirit of love or do you speak harshly and in angry tones? Are you building others up by what you say or are you destroying people with your tongue?

Your words are important. In the presence of unbelievers especially your speech should be an example. If you have a tongue like a sword that cuts people down, it is likely that a non-Christian will have little respect for you if you try to share the Gospel with him/her. Also, you will fail to be an example to the ones you have been entrusted with to lead if your speech is saying one thing and you are acting another.

So number one on the agenda, says Paul, is your speech, and number two is your CONDUCT. Michael W. Smith sings, "For the world to know the truth, there can be no greater proof than to live the life". This is absolutely vital. If we are speaking the truth yet not living it, we are no better than the Pharisees of Jesus' day. Read Paul's words in Romans 2:17-24 where he issues the challenge about being authentic in life as well as in speech.

What about your way of life, Youth Pastor/Leader? Is it a life of obedience to God's Word that sets an example to those you lead? Grover Levy in his song 'If you want to lead me to Jesus' sings "If you want to lead me to Jesus, you'd better find another way, 'cos your life is speaking so loud I can't even hear a word you say". He also sings that "I can't see a trace of the love and the grace you talk so much about". If that is us, then we need to repent of living a live that is just a "mode of words", and ask God to forgive us and transform us into His likeness. If you love Jesus, you will obey His Word and your obedience will be a challenge to your youth group whom God has set you over.

The third area Paul says you are to be an example in is LOVE. Whilst love is a characteristic of all believers, it is a vital one of the godly youth pastor and leader. What kind of love is the youth pastor or leader to display? Well, firstly, it is to be the kind of love befitting his position. The term 'pastor' is in effect a shepherd. He is to love the sheep who have been entrusted to his care. No greater example have we of this shepherd love than Jesus, the Great Shepherd, laying down His life for His sheep. Do you love with that kind of intensity those in your care? Does your love reach out to the hurting sheep and seek to restore wholeness? Does your hand of love reach out to the wandering sheep to steer them back to within the fold? Does your love for the sheep mean you desire to see them fed and built up in the faith?

Secondly, it is a sacrificing love. We have already mentioned the aspect of laying down one's life but what other sacrifices display your love for the sheep? One of the most important of all sacrifices comes to mind: TIME. Some of the hurting sheep have confessed to me that their youth pastors and leaders give little time to them. They appear unconcerned that one of their charges is desperate to unburden their heart. The ball game or the girlfriend (or wife) has a larger priority in their estimation than the suffering sheep! God forbid this be you, Youth Leader!

May we pass on a word of advice? Just as your pastor makes it his aim to visit his flock to discover if there are needs to be prayed for or any problems he can help with, so you should make it your aim to spend at least one night or so a week visiting your young people. Also, you should make yourself available on youth nights and Sunday services for counseling and caring for the young entrusted to you.

The apostle Paul writing to the Thessalonians showed this sacrificial love when he wrote, "So, affectionately longing for you, we were well pleased to impart to you not only the Gospel of God, but also our own lives because you had become dear to us" (1 Thess. 2:8). Is that your attitude and affection for your sheep?

Thirdly, your love is to be of the quality Paul described in 1 Cor. 13. This is the kind of love that will be an example to the believers. It is not just the love in words, but in actions also.

The next characteristic you are to be an example in is FAITH. Of course, firstly, it has to do with saving faith. If you are not a Christian, how can you presume to lead other Christians. You are blind and spiritually dead, and have nothing to offer those who are alive and seeing. Until you have had your own personal resurrection, you will be of no use to your youth group.

Secondly, it has to do with your life and belief in God. When all goes wrong around you, what is your response? Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones said, "Faith is a refusal to panic", and it is that response that will be an example to your sheep. A calm belief in God's promises even in the midst of difficult days will do much more to strengthen the resolve of the young people than your panicking ever will. Faith will be strengthened in adversity because you are walking by faith and not by sight.

Thirdly, faith has to do with prayer. How is your prayer life? Do you attend the prayer meetings of the church? If not, why not? You will not be an example to your young ones in prayer if they see you have a very lackadaisical attitude to praying. Ever wondered why so few young people are attending the prayer meetings? The answer is often clear: "Our youth pastor doesn't go, so why should we!"
Fourthly, faith has to do with faithfulness or unswerving commitment. It is to do with consistency of life. The youth pastor or leader does not swerve off the track, he does not deviate from his course. Is your life one of faithfulness to God, His Word, His church, His people? It is an essential mark of the true leader, so you cannot be effective without it.

As a youth pastor and leader you are also required to set an example in PURITY. "This primarily refers to the area of sexuality, both in actions and the intentions of the heart" (John MacArthur). Nothing has so destroyed the ministry as sexual impurity. We need to remember Paul's admonishment to Timothy to "Flee from youthful lusts" (2 Tim. 2:22). The devil knows this is an area of vulnerability and he will exploit it to the full. A careful reading of Proverbs 5-7 will go a long way to helping in the battle against sexual impurity.

If your attitude and behaviour in any way compromise God's standards of sexual purity, your action could have a devastating effect upon the lives you have been given charge over.

These are the standards of character that God's Word lays down as a mark of true godly leadership, and woe to us if we shun them, and worse, woe to those who follow us if we are not doing what God has commanded we do!

In verse 13 Paul moves on from the character of life to the character of ministry. Timothy's ministry was to be a ministry based on the Word of God. He is instructed to "devote" himself or "give attention to" the "public reading of Scripture, to preaching and to teaching". In essence, Paul is saying, "Timothy, this is to be your way of life". Likewise, Youth Pastor, Leader, the command to you has not changed. You are to give yourself to the study of God's Word in private, you are to prepare carefully all that you will preach and teach the young people.

A couple of questions need to be asked here: What place do the Scriptures have in the young people's meetings? Do they have centre stage or are they tacked on at the end of the meeting in order to give some appearance of spirituality in the meeting? What about "exhortation " (the NIV uses "preaching", but I think "exhortation" is the better word here). Are you exhorting, challenging the young people to apply the Word of God to their lives? To "exhort" means to "challenge to obedience". Sometimes it may take the form of a rebuke, warning, counsel or comfort, but the goal is always to challenge an application to life.

Teaching is also a vital role in the life of the youth pastor and leader. It involves a systematic explanation of the Word of God. Primarily, your pastor is responsible for this, but that does not take away your responsibility. There will be things that the pastor cannot necessarily deal with in the pulpit, and therefore in your role as youth pastor or leader you need to make sure that the young people are receiving the necessary teaching that will enable them to live for Christ in their homes, schools, colleges, and work situations. If you are spending your time "teaching" non-essentials, it is no wonder your youth group is spiritually impoverished! Get back to the Word of God. Don't be diverted by the so-called modern arguments that say such ministry is worthless for the young people. Don't give in to the spirit of the age that tells you that you need to entertain the kids in order to keep them. If your young people love God, they will love His Word. Some might take offence and leave, but it was the same in Jesus' day. Don't be discouraged by that. Keep on exhorting, keep on teaching the Word of life.

From having a Bible-based ministry, Paul moves on to encouraging Timothy to exercise his SPIRITUAL GIFT. He is not to 'NEGLECT' it. Maybe due to difficulties in the ministry at Ephesus he felt as if he wanted to give up, but Paul urges him on. The apostle reminds the young leader that God has given him a gift of ministry, that he had received a call to the ministry via a prophetic message, and that the leadership of the church had recognised this and thus laid hands on him and commissioned him to the service of God. For Timothy to quit would be to fly in the face of those facts.

If you are in the Ministry as a Youth Pastor or leader then the process is the same. God gives the gifts necessary to fulfilling the task ahead, He calls you to the work and the church has seen that evidence in your live and service and therefore they have given you the responsibility of leading the young people.

You are to exercise your spiritual gifts, put them to good use for the purpose of serving and building others up in the faith. You are not to bury them and still assume that you can lead without them.

A word to those who believe that God is calling them to leadership: it might be that you are being led in the area of leadership and  possess the qualities and the gifts necessary for such a task and yet have not been recognized as yet by your church leadership. If that is the case then I would urge you to speak to your Pastor and share with him the way you believe God is leading you. Through the discernment and wisdom of the Holy Spirit your Pastor and Elders will be able to test whether your call is genuine. If so, then I am sure that they will be able to point you in the right direction to serve and offer you the training and support you need.

One thing we have noticed in the Church is that there are people leading Young People's groups who are neither gifted or called by God to do so. It is a big concern that they use this position as a means of boosting their own egos rather than seeking to serve those entrusted to them. These leaders may have good natural abilities but they possess none of the qualities that the apostle has laid down to Timothy in the passage we are looking at.

The Church must have gifted, godly leadership if she is to know the blessing of God upon her and if you are a leader without the necessary tools to do the job then it is time to bow out and let the one who has the gifts and the calling serve and lead the young people.

Verses 15-16 contain the final challenge that we desire to address in this introdcutory article. Paul lays down a further five points to be given consideration.

Leadership is something to be worked at. It is not for the lazy person. There must be a single-minded devotion to the calling - that is what diligence is. The NASB translates v15 as 'Take pains with these things; be absorbed in them.' John MacArthur says regarding the phrase 'take pains': 'it carries the idea of thinking beforehand, panning, strategizing, or premeditating…When not involved in ministry, the excellent minister is preparing, praying, or planning for it.' To be 'absorbed in them' basically means that it is to be an all-consuming passion. We are to be totally engulfed in the work. In 2 Timothy 4:2, Paul commands Timothy to 'Preach the Word; be ready in season and out of season,' when it is convenient and when it is not. The servant of Jesus Christ is never off duty!

Just because you are in Leadership does not mean that you have arrived. There will be a desire to advance in Christlikeness and a daily pursual of holiness. As you grow in grace and the knowledge of the Lord Jesus, your progress will be evident to all. This is not saying that we will be perfect, for we know that in this life we shall never be, what it means is that the desire to be holy becomes an all-consuming passion in our lives.

We have already spoken of the character that the Youth Pastor or leader is to have and you should always be keeping a check on yourself in order that you are not doing something that will make others in the faith stumble. Watch your life means that you guard it as a soldier does the city. You make sure that nothing that is displeasing to the Lord is going to invade your life and thus destroy your testimony and ruin your ministry.

To be able to do this means that you have a knowledge of the Bible and so you will be studying the Word of God and reading it and applying it in your daily life. You will seek to be careful that all you teach is in line with what the Bible says. You will not follow after the arguements of men but the Word of God will be your guide. As you study the Word, God will grant you the discernment to test all things whether they be from Him or not. You will be careful to not let even a little error into your ministry for you know that one hole in a ship can sink it! You will be able to instruct others as to the foundational teachings of the Word of God if you have sought before God to come to a knowledge of them yourself.

Keep doing these things says Paul. Your ministry is to be a continual education. You never come to a position of arriving. As you persevere you will be blessed by God and you will also be a blessing to those who hear you. So keep at it. Keep lving the life, ministering the Word, keep studying, keep watching, keep on keepin' on.

You may think as you have read this that these things are of an awfully high standard. Well you would be right in thinking that, because they are! They are God's standards, not mine. If you are in Leadership and have failed in any one of these areas then do not despair, there is hope of recovery through confession, repentance and rededication to the Ministry that God has called you to. You cannot do these things on your won, you need the power from above, the blessed Holy Spirit. He will empower you and grant you the grace to serve and to lead in a manner that brings glory and honour to the Lord. He will make you a good and faithful servant of Christ.

May God write this challenging Word upon your heart and my heart also.


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