Find ONE reason KlueLass is upset with Clinton . . .

[Arab missile technology before Clinton rewarded the Chinese with access to our
missile guidance technology in return for their illegal campaign contributions.]

  * Save a camel . . . *

[Arab missile potential after the Chinese, in turn,
sold the info to rouge nations such as Iran, Iraq, and Libya.]

  * . . . Keep Clinton--NOT !!! *

Big THANKS to VlPER for the cartoon above !
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 Ten Clinton Gates
Wade Here (Click)
If you don't know the mud surrounding clinton
"The hottest places in Hell are reserved for those who, in time of
  moral crisis, maintain their neutrality." -- Dante, "The Inferno"
 Ten Clinton Gates

. . . OR . . .

 Gettin' Jiggy  Parse not, that ye be not parsed  clintoons  Flame with ''Frenchie'' ?  Hmmmmm ?
[Columbo vs Clinton] [Heavenly Interred]

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