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WaS KuRt MuRdErEd?

Murdered? I used to think that was insane as much as I loved Kurt I thought it was sucide and that Courtney had tried to save him. Can u blame me for thinking otherwise, I read in magazines that Courtney had checked him into drug rehabs and had stopped him twice before from taking his life, so when I first heard the possibilty he was murdered I laughed. In my heart wanting it so much to be true but logically I thought not. That's when I started to do some digging, and I found the sites by the two men ( Toby Amirault and Tom Grant) that were pushing their views. Reading it I got really intriguded and couldn't belive possibly belive it was suicide after the evidence they produced. Let's look at that shall we. 1. The police say that a chair was wedged up against the door of the guesthouse. Tom Grant says: The chair was not wedged against the door just next to it. 2. The Police claim that Kurt had laid his wallet out next to him showind his driving licence. Tom Grant says: He didn't. 3.The police say that he had an injection of Heroin. Tom Grant says: What the police didn't tell u is that he had three times his normal injection. 4. The Police say Kurt's finger prints where everywhere. ( Tom Grant and Toby Amirault say:) There were no finger prints on the pen,papper,gun or needle!!!! 5.There was more then Kurt's brand of cigartte's in the ashatray. 6.The Police say that the (alleged!) Suicide note was in Kurt's handwriting. Toby Amiraults says: The hand writing on the suicide note was not all Kurt's there ( this was proven by a handswrting specialist and the fact that some of the words on the note Kurt would never use.) Bit's like, Courtney please go on for Francis....was not Kurt's and the smiley face on the top of the page wasnt' either. 7. The police belive Kurt's Mother Wendy rang to report Kurt missing. Tom Grant Said:It was Courtney Love. 8. The police said therre was no other bullets in the gun. Tom Grant said: There were two other bullets left in the gun. (Most information taken off Toby Amirault and Tom Grant's Web pages!)

So was it Suicide? Did Courtney really hire someone to kill Kurt because the Alleged suicide note was actually a note to his fans and her saying that he was going ot retire? Was he really leaving her( it has been Speculated and I say again SPECULATED!!) that Kurt had wrote her a note telling her he was leaving her and the music industry. And why were there more then Kurt's brand of smokes in their.....maybe he changed smokes?Highly unlikely!! Any why was there more then bullets in the gun, U would think a guy who is about to committ suicide would only put one bullet in the gun, so why the others? Protection maybe!!!! All that though could just be clear mistakes. Kurt may of changed brands of smokes, he may of wanted more then one bullet in there incase he missed with hte first, BUT! the thing I really dont' buy is, how is he meant to have done this with 3! times the doseage he normally has, So can u tell me how he rolled up his sleeve, took the needle, placed it back in it's box,rolled down his sleece, postioned the shotgun and then pulled the trigger!!??????? Cause I really am finding that hard to Beleive! U would think he would of nearly passed out with that amount of injection! There is also of course the fact that the gun had identifiable finger prints of Kurt's on it, nor did the note, pen or papper which he was meant ot have wrote on. So what do u think was it murder or Suicide. Are we all just clutching at straws and trying ot blame it on an inncent lady who only ever tryed to help him?( I THINK NOT!!!!!!) Either way Kurt is and always will be sadly missed, by his fans, friends, and let's not forget his daughter( ok maybe Courtney but let's not go there....) He will never be forgotten as long as people like Toby Amirault and Tom Grant search for the truth!!!!

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