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Links Page

Welcome to the world famous links page. Bookmark this page now because here you will find the best LD resources on the net. No dead or outdated links! (Note: * indicates outdated links). If you would like your page on my list, email it to me me and I will be happy to add it...

LD Sites

TogaLD*- A great overall site that has anything you could possibly want.

Mike's Abode- Awesome philosophy stuff

Leslie's Debate Page*- One of the oldest LD sites on the web.

Charles's Cabin*-Contains topic analysis and some philosophy stuff

Crash Course Guide to LD Debate-A great start for novices.

Debate Info-An evidence company with some free stuff

LD Debate Master List-An exstensive LD Links page.

Spirophita's Forensics Lair*- A great site with great topic analysis.

Power Punch- Another evidence company that has free NFL and UIL topic analysis.

Debate OnLine*- The only good thing about it is the list of philosophical e-texts, and the graphics.

Brian's Main Debate Page- Examples of old cases and much more.

Jen's LD Debate Page- A new good site with some philosophy.

Warbarge LD- A great site that has everything including topic analysis.

Victory Briefs- An evidence company that provides some free topic analysis.

Complete Guide to LD- A great start for novices or any interested in learning more about LD Debate.

Northview HS LD Debate Page-A very good 5 min guide to LD.

The Big Stick's LD Raging Inferno- An okay site with lots of links.

Lincoln-Douglas Stuff- Some basic stuff for those inexperienced with ld.

Kyles Forum*- Some okay stuff, but not much.

General Debate Sites

National Forensics League- Contains info pertaining to the NFL.

The TOC Website-Contains info pertaining to The Tournament of Champions

The UIL- Contains info pertaining to the University Interscholastic League.

Nostrum-An ongoing foriensics soap opera

High School Debate Archives-Contains invites and results from many National tournaments.

Lincoln Life- Sponsors LD at the NFL Nationals.

Forensic Sites

Sirius Forensiks-The best forensics page I've seen

Longmont HS Forensics Page-A good forensic page

Forensics Online-Another great site

Philosophy Sites

Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy-A very good philosophy site

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy-Antoher good philosophy site

Alex: Catalogue of Electronic Texts- Contains many philosophical e-texts.

Factasia Philosophy- A wide variety of philosophical content.

Guide to Philosophy on the Internet- An extensive list of links.

Objectivism in the Debate Round- Some Ayn Rand stuff.

NOESIS- A philosophical search engine.

Glossary of Philosophical Terms- Some philosophical terms defined.

The Internet Classics Archive- More e-texts from popular philosophers.

Philosophy Pages- A great starting point for your philosophy needs.

Yahoo! Philosophers- Great place to look for a specific philosopher.

Barnes & Noble-A great place to buy Philosophy books Another great place to buy books.


OneLook Dictionary- A great online dictionary.

Web of Online Dictionaries- Numerous Dictionaries.

Black's Law Dictionary- Not as extensive as the real Black's Law, but not too bad.

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