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Yo te quiero
I love you

En dónde te escondiste
Where did you hide?
Amado me dejaste con gemido
dear, you left me moaning
Como ciervo huiste habiendome herido
like a deer you ran away, having hurt me
Sali tras ti y eras ido
(it´s not a right Spanish phrase, it would be said: "salí detrás de ti, y te habías ido")
I went out after you, and you were gone
Descubri tu presencia
I discovered your presence
Matame tu vista y hermosura
Your sight and beauty kill me
Que la dolencia de amor
That the heart pain
Que no se cura
doesn´t cure
Si no con la presencia y la figura
But with the presence and the figure/form
Oh tu que delicado
Oh, you how delicate

Yo te quiero yo te espero
I love you, I wait for you
Que yo seria Julieta y tu Romeo
that I would be Juliet and you Romeo

Cuan manso y amoroso
So gentle and loving
En mi seno donde tu solo moras
In my bossom where only you stay
Y en tu aspirar sabroso de bien y gloria cuan dedicadamente me enamoras
And in your savoury aspire of good and glory, when you devotely captivate me
Oh to que delicado
Oh, you how delicate

Lailo Lailo
(it´s like Ole´, folklore expressions that have got no translation)
Que yo seria Julieta y tu Romeo
That I would be Juliet and you Romeo
Oh to que delicado
Oh, you how delicate