Okay, this section is supposed to be very small, and hidden, and so
by my reckoning not many people should wander here. And then, if i 
ramble on enough, you'll bugger off without taking any of the links.

Anyway... moving on. This is dedicated to my pathetic attempt at
writing poetry. I'm 15. I may think i am God, but i am still afterall
a little kid, so give me a chance.

Oh, and please don't say "oh my, look how many there are." as some
people have done when i've showed them my work, of course there are 
lots of them. I'm a poet for fucks sake! (I try...)

Enjoy (and if you don't, well, pretend you did.)
Don't play with matches...
If Only

You are the Prince of Darkness.
Natural Born Killer
The Lover
Watching the Birds
Intellectual Niceties
Back to the decent main page.

Email: sati@innocent.com