Updates: 2 April 2000 - Well, I've changed the layout of the BW Continuum. There is now an information page called "What is Beast Wars: Transformers?" Check it out below. Other than that, not much has changed. Click here to see the different personas of that ever-changing cheetah, Cheetor!
What Is Beast Wars: Transformers?
Beast Wars, the ever-changing, ever-popular Transformers re-creation. Or is it??? Beast Wars is actually its own universe and continuum. Granted, it uses a lot of elements of the Generation One and Two Transformers, but it is its own entity.
Here you should be able to find bios of each Beast Warrior. The Beast Wars Continuum has information about the TransMetals, the TransMetals 2, and the Fuzors. Besides containing lots of pictures and the biographies, the BW Continuum also contains some of my own artwork.
So enjoy! If you would like to see something that I don't have on my page, E-Mail me and I'll see what I can do. The Beast Wars Continuum came into existence on August 13, 1998.
Kup sez: "Why when I was in the Battle of the Carbonetic Infesticantation, the Crimson Viral Xenomorphs became such a threat that I never thought I would see the Indigo skies of Cybertron ever again. Ah, Cybertron, what a beautiful place. But the Xenomorphs weren't nothing compared to them Quintesson Airship Brigades that attempted a hostile seige on good ol' Cybertron. But then again traveling alongside with those stubborn Dinobots was also quite a chore. I remember in the War Of Unicron, it was a terrible pain in the tailpipe to get them darn dinos into the ship. Even with those nasty Decepti-creeps gunnin' us down, they still didn't want to get in the darn transport...."
Want more of Kup's outrageous war tales or wanna learn just who the heck this veteran of almost every single Autobot battle is, just click here.
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Email: robertdiggs@hotmail.com