Stories I have co-written that contain adult content.



Co-written with Erika Rottler.

Rated R: Extreme violence, coarse language and often crude conversations with a sexual theme.

The gang goes on a camping retreat which starts all fun and games but takes a deadly turn when Xander starts acting not like himself and a new and potentially lethal game is put into play.


Written By Paige Daro. with Assistance from Alex Queirolo

Rated NC-17: Violence, language and semi-graphic descriptions of a sexual act. Buffy/Angel- Consensual

Angel and Giles begin to worry that Buffy's not taking her training seriously. Angel attempts to step in for Giles in helping her with her Slayer drills but Buffy doesn't respond well to his interference.


Stories that I've written that are created using another writers' situation. Permission has always been granted in advance.

Written By Alex Queirolo

Rated NC-17: Violence, language and graphic descriptions of torture.

This story takes place after a piece called "Gasping For Breath" by Katie Visceli. While you don't need to read it to understand what is going on, I would recommend doing so. You can find it at the Naughty Slayer.

After Angelus brutalizes and murders Buffy, Faith gets revenge as only a Slayer can.


A rewrite of the above story has a different vampire being the one who brutalizes and kills Buffy. This takes place third season within the actual presented time-line sometime after Revelations maybe?

Written By Alex Queirolo

Rated NC-17: Violence, language and semi-graphic descriptions of a sexual act. Buffy/Angel/(us)- Consensual

This is set in Laure Alexander's W/S, B/A(us) Universe. This story comes after her piece titled Comparisons and before Heart Hush. If you'd like to read those(and ya should), go to Laure's site.

Willow finds Buffy drowning her sorrows in a bottle of Scotch and tries to help her deal with her issues relating to her on-going relationship with Angelus.

Written By Alex Queirolo

Rated R: Violence, language and very mild F/F and M/F kissing.

This is set in Laure Alexander's W/S, B/A(us) Universe. This story occurs during the piece titled Bitter Suite:Downward Spiral.

Angelus has just left and beaten and dejected Slayer tied to her bed. Willow comes over and her frustration gets the best of her.

LAST UPDATED: April 3, 1999
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